Singh, Om Prakash Singh

Advanced applied psychology/ edited by om Prakash Singh, Nishi Kanti - London: Koros, 2014. - 287p. HB

1. Community and Religion Psychology
Coninuinity Psychology * Counseling Psychology • Forensic
Psychologv • Media Psychology • Psychology of Religion
• Contemporary Thinkers • Religion and Drugs
2. Psychological Testing
History of Psychology * Psychological Testing • Systems
Psychology • Traffic Psychology
3. Legal Psychology
Military Psychology • Occupational Health Psychology • Political
Psvchoiogy • School Psycholog\- • Sport Psychology
4. Psychology Metrix
Clinical Psychology ■ Kducational Psychology • Forensic
Psvcholog>- and Legal Psychology • Health Psycholog> • Industrial
and Organizational P.-ycholog>- • Occupational Health Psychology
• School Psychology • Sport Psycholog>- (Related to Hixercise
5. Counselling Psychology and Psychometrics
Diferent Meanings and Uses of Counselling' • Practice in
Counselling Psycholog> • Psychometrics
6. Organizational Psychology
Clinical Psvcholog>- • F.ducational Psychology • Health Psycholog\-
• Industrial and Organizational Psychology • Training and
7. Psychological Education
Defining Psychological Kducation • Some Examples of
P.-vchological Kducation • Counsellor Skills in Psychological
Education • Some ( ritual Comments
8. Applied Social Psychology
Evolving Identity of Applied Social Psychology- • Alternative
Definitions of the Field • The Main Themes of Applied Social
Psychology>' • Major Roles and Core Competencies * The Training
of Applied Social Psychologists • The Essential Elements of
Training • Example Training Program mes • Issues in Training
• The Demands of Practice ' Professional Certification • The
Roots in the Soil or the Blush on the Rose?
9. Nature of Educational Psychology
Definition of "Psychology" • Methods in Psychology • Branches
of Psychology • Educational Psychology: Definition • Nature and
Scope of Educational Psychology' • Learner • Learning Process
• Learning Experiences • Learning Environment • Teacher and
Teaching • Significance of Educational Psychology to the Teacher


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