Ghose, Naresh Chandra

A petrographic atlas of ophiolite : an example from the eastern India - Asia collision zone/ Naresh Chandra Ghose, Nilanjan Chatterjee, Fareeduddin. - 1st ed. - New Delhi: Springer, 2014. - xvii, 234 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Part I Description of Ophiolite Suites and the Naga Hills Ophiolite
1 Introduction
2 Ophiolite around the Indian Plate Margin
3 Geology of the Naga Hills Ophiolite
4 Structure and Tectonics of the Naga Hills
5 Petrography
6 Petrogenesis

Part II Photomicrographs and Backscattered Electron Images
7 Peridotite Tectonite
8 Spinel Peridotite
9 Pyroxenite
10 Serpentinite
11 Rodingite
12 Chromitite
13 Peridotite Cumulate
14 Gabbro
15 Plagiogranite
16 Anorthosite
17 Dolerite
18 Mafic Volcanics
19 Basaltic Hyaloclastite
20 Volcaniclastics
'21 Very-Low Grade Mtamophics
22 Greenschist
23 Glaucophane Schist
24 Eclogite
25 Oceanic Sedimnts
26 Cover Sediments (Jopi Formation)
27 Late Tertiary Granites
28 Metamorphics of teh Nimi Formation

Geology, Economic

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