Jiang, Yanqing

Openness, economic growth and regional disparities: the case of China/ Yanqing Jiang - London: Springer, 2014. - xi, 340 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1 Output Growth and Productivity Growth in China

2 Growth and Convergence across the Chinese Regions

3 Openness and Regional Growth in China

4 Openness, Human Capital, and Productivity Growth in the Chinese Regions

5 Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Productivity Growth in China

6 Endogenous Saving, Interregional Capital Mobility, and Convergence across China

7 Inputs Beyond Capital and Labor, the Neoclassical Growth Framework, and Limits to Growth in China

8 Industry Mix and Interregional Disparities in China

9 Openness, Structural Factors, and Economic Growth across the Regions in China

10 Environmental Quality and "Green" Economic Growth in the Chinese Regions

11 Strategic Interaction in Environmental Protection Efforts among Chinese Provincial Governments

12 Strategic Competition in Public Spending on Education in Different Chinese Regions

13 Trade Openness and Economic Growth in China: Models, Implications, and Some Thoughts


Regional planning
Endogenous growth

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