Encrenaz, Therese.

Planets: ours and other from earth to exoplanets/ Therese Encrenaz. - New Jersey : World Scientific, 2013. - xviii, 187p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm.

1. How to explore planets --
The earth in space --
Telescopic observations --
Observations from space --
Searching for exoplanets --
2. The birth of planets --
A formation within a disk --
A common scenario in the Universe --
What is the age of the solar system? --
The main steps of planetary formation --
Telluric planets and giant planets --
Between the two families of planets: asteroids --
Pluto and the transneptunian objects --
3. Exploring planet Earth --
Rocks and metals: a differentiated internal structure --
A terrestrial singularity: plate tectonics --
Formation of terrestrial relief: the isostasy principle --
Our natural environment: the terrestrial atmosphere --
The water cycle: another specificity of Earth --
Between the Earth and space, the magnetosphere --
A brief history of the Earth's climate --
The Earth-Moon couple: a double system --
The Earth, a unique planet ... --
4. The neighbors of the Earth --
Closest to the Sun, Mercury --
A Moon that looks like Mercury --
Venus, the furnace --
Mars, a desert word --
Comparative evolution of terrestrial planets: the role of water --
5. A little further, the giant planets --
Two classes of giant planets --
From Jupiter to Neptune: four decades of exploration --
The outer satellites --
6. Exoplanets, the new worlds --
A long quest marked with failures --
Fifteen years later, the situation --
The formation of planetary systems --
How to classify exoplanets? --
From detection to characterization --
7. Searching for habitable worlds --
A new discipline, astrobiology --
Life elsewhere in the solar system? --
Life on exoplanets? --
Searching for inhabited worlds.


Extrasolar planets

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