Mahanta, Nani Gopal.

Confronting the state: ULFA's quest for sovereignty/ Nani Gopal Mahanta. - New Delhi: Sage, 2013. - xxii, 348 p. ; 23 cm. - (Sage studies on India's north east) .

1 From Nationalism to Secessionism : Transformation of Assamese Identity

2 Assam Movement : Laying the Foundation of an Armed Struggle

3 Periodising ULFA's Metamorphosis : From Liberator to War Lord

4 Parag Das : The Ideologue

5 "ULFOcide," State Terror and Truncated Democracy

6 What keeps ULFA Going : Endogenous and Exogenous Factors

7 What Sustains ULFA?

8 ULFA in International Network : From Grievances to Greed

9 Peace Process with ULFA, Civil Society and the Indian State

10 Confronting the State : Exploring Ways for Sustainable Peace

12 Re-visiting Immigration and Identity : Issues of Human Security, Development and Sustainable Peace.


United Liberation Front of Assam
Autonomy and independence movements
Self-determination, National
Politics and government
Ethnic conflict

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