International development: ideas, experience, and prospects/ edited by Bruce Currie Alder, Ravi Kanbur ,David M.Malone and Rohinton Medhora - New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. - xviii, 943 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.


1. The Study of Development

2. Development Theories

3. Fifty Years of Growth Economics

4. Development Strategy: Balancing Market and Government Failure

5. Poverty in Development Thought: Symptom or Cause

6. Inequality and Development: An Overview

7. Women's Economic Roles and the Development Paradigm

8. Composite Indices of Development

9. Development Evaluation


10. Growth, Inclusion, and Human Satisfaction

11. Social Protection

12. Law, Regulation, and Development

13. Rooting Change: Indigeneity and Development

14. Corruption

15. Public Finance in Developing Countries

16. The Evolving Paradigms of Structural Change

17. Trade and Finance in Development Thinking

18. Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

.9. Two Prophets of Regional Integration: Prebisch and Adedeji

20. The Political Economy of Intrastate Conflicts

21. Peacebuilding and Development

22. Violence, Insecurity, and Crime in Development Thought

23. The Resource Curse and Transparency

24. Transitional Justice and Development

25. Agriculture and Food Security

26. Water Resources: An Evolving Landscape

27. The Rural Transformation

28. Land Reform

29. Climate Adaptation

30. Global Health

31. Targeting Diseases

32. Ii .trial Policy

33. Innovation Systems and Development

34- Universities and Higher Education in Development

35. Innovation for Development

36. Information and Communication Technologies for Development


37. The Asian Model of Development: From Crises to Transformation

38. China

39. Brazil

40. Chile

41. South Africa's Quest for Inclusive Development

42. India's Economic Development

43. Economic Development: the Experience of Sub-Saharan Africa

44. Economic Development in the Arab Region: A Tale of Oil and Politics

45. The State as a Developmental Actor: State Forms for Social Transformation

46. Civil Society

47- Foundations and Private Actors

48. The World Trade Organisation and Development

49- The Role and Influence of International Financial Institutions

50. Development Assistance

51. Consultative Forums: State Power and Multilateral Institutions

52. Underestimated Influence: UN Contributions to Development Ideas,
Leadership, Influence, and Impact


Economic development
Development economics

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