Woolfson, Michael M.

The formation of the solar system: theories old and new/ Michael M. Woolfson. - 2nd ed. - London: Imperial College Press, 2014. - xxii, 417 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

pt. I. General background

ch. 1. Theories come and theories go

ch. 2. Measuring atoms and the universe

pt. II. Enlightenment.

ch. 3. Greek offerings

ch. 4. The shoulders of giants

pt. III. The Solar System: features and problems.

ch. 5. The Sun and the planets

ch. 6. Satellites and rings

ch. 7. Smaller bodies of the Solar System

ch. 8. The problem to be solved

pt. IV. Early theories.

ch. 9. The French connection

ch. 10. American Catherine-Wheels

ch. 11. British big tides

ch. 12. Russian cloud capture - with British help

ch. 13. German vortices - with a little French help

ch. 14. McCrea's floccules

ch. 15. What early theories indicate

pt. V. New knowledge

ch. 16. Disks around new stars

ch. 17. Planets around other stars

ch. 18. What a theory should explain now

pt. VI. The return of the nebula.

ch. 19. The new solar nebula theory: the angular momentum problem

ch. 20. Making planets top-down

ch. 21. A bottom-up alternative

ch. 22. Making planets faster

ch. 23. Wandering planets

ch. 24. Back to top-down

pt. VII. Making stars.

ch. 25. This is the stuff that stars are made of

ch. 26. Making dense cool clouds

ch. 27. A star is born, lives and dies

pt. VIII. Capture.

ch. 28. Close to the madding crowd

ch. 29. Close encounters of the stellar kind

ch. 30. Ever decreasing circles

ch. 31. How many planetary systems?

ch. 32. Starting a family

ch. 33. Tilting - but not at windmills

pt. IX. The biggish bang hypothesis.

ch. 34. The terrestrial planets raise problems

ch. 35. A biggish bang theory: the Earth and Venus

ch. 36. Behold the wandering Moon

ch. 37. Fleet Mercury and warlike Mars

ch. 38. Gods of the sea and the nether regions

ch. 39. Bits and pieces - asteroids, comets and dwarf planets

ch. 40. Making atoms with a biggish bang

ch. 41. Is the capture theory true?


Solar system
Origin of the Solar system

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