Cell biology/ a laboratory handbook, Celis,Julio E. - 3rd ed. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006. - 586

Part A Imaging techniques
Section 1 Light microscopy
Section 2 Digital video microscopy
Section 3 Confocal microscopy of living cells and fixed cells
Section 4 Fluorescent microscopy of living cells
Section 5 Use of fluorescent dyes for studies of intracellular physiological parameters
Section 6 Digital image processing analysis, storage, and display

Pat B Electron microscopy
Section 7 Specimen preparation techniques
Section 8 Cryctechniques
Section 9 Electron microscopy studies of the cytoskeleton
Section 10 Immunoelectron microscopy

Part C Scanning probe and scanning electron microscopy
Section 11 Scanning probe and scanning electron microscopy

Part D Microdissection
Section 12 Tissue and chromosome microdissection

Part E Tissue arrays
Section 13 Tissue arrays

Part F Cytogenetics and in situ hybridization
Section 14 Cytogenetics
Section 15 In situ hybridization

Part G Genomics
Section 16 Genomics

Part H Transgenic, knockouts, and knockdown methods
Section 17 Transgenic, knockouts, and knockdown methods


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