Pethrick, Richard A.

Negotiating bioethics: the governance of UNESCo`s bioethics programme/ Richard A.Pethrick, - New York: Apple Academic, 2013. - 192 p. HB

1 Introduction
2 Bioethics: human genetic and biomedical research
ethics at UNESCO and beyond
Bioethics 5
Genetics and genomics 9
The UNESCO Bioethics Programme 14
UNESCO and human cloning /9
3 Global governance: a conceptual framework for
analysing bioethics at UNESCO
Global governance 30
The deliberative process: representation, legitimacy
and accountability 34
The implementation process: realizing and enforcing norms 3 7
Application to the UNESCO Bioethics Programme 42
4 Deliberating bioethics: UNESCO's standard-setting activities
The infrastructure of the UNESCO Bioethics Programme 45
Drafting and negotiating the declarations 47
The human cloning debate 57
5 Implementing bioetliics: UNESCO's efforts to realize
and enforce the declarations
The nature and content ofthe declarations 65
Implementation and enforcement 71
The lack of universal norms on cloning 93
6 Contextualizing bioetliics: the declarations in
Kenya and South Africa
Negotiations at national level 96
Perceptions of UNESCO in Kenya and South Africa 101
Adoption of the UNESCO declarations in Kenya
and South Africa 105
7 Contextualizing bioethics: mapping progress in
Kenya and South Africa
UNESCO bioethics activities in Kenya 120
Views on UNESCO's capacity-building activities 121
Ongoing ethics issues 124
8 Conclusion
Deliberation 143
Implementation 149
Kenya and South Africa 154
The governance of human cloning 155
Pragmatic suggestions 156


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