TY - BOOK AU - Ciccarelli, Saundra K. TI - Psychology SN - 9780536491046 U1 - 150 PY - 2007/// CY - New York PB - Pearson N1 - . The Science of Psychology 2 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? 4 The Field of Psychology 4 Psychology's Goals 4 PSYCHOLOGY THEN: THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY 6 In the Beginning: Wundt, Introspection, and the Laboratory 6 Jitchener and Structuralism in America 7 William James and Functionalism 8 * Gestalt Psychology: The Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts 9 Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis 9 John B. Watson and Behaviorism 10 CLASSIC SrnrHFS PS VCHC)! Qi'l Y Psychologist Mary Cover Jones and "Little Peter" 11 PSYCHOLOGY NOW: MODERN PERSPECTIVES 13 Psychodynamic Perspective 13 Behavioral Perspective 13 Humanistic Perspective 13 Biopsychological Perspective 14 Cognitive Perspective 14 Sociocultural Perspective 15 Evolutionary Perspective 15 TYPES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFESSIONALS 16 Areas of Specialization 18 PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE 18 Why Psychologists Use the Scientific Method 18 Descriptive Methods 20 Finding Relationships 24 'A : ■ C ' i 'CLOG Y Teresa Amah J the Effect of Extrinsic Reward on Creativiti ETHICS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH 31 The Guidelines for Doing Research with People 32 CRITICAL THINKING 33 The Criteria for Critical Thinking 33 • Pseudopsychologies: Why Do People Fall for Fakery? 34 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: USING CRITICAL THINKING-DOES ASTROLOGY WORK? 35 Chapter Summary 36 Key Terms 37 Test Yourself 38 >■ CONCEPT MAP 40 The Biological Perspective 42 AN OVERVIEW OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 44 NEURONS AND NERVES: BUILDING THE NETWORK 45 Structure of the Neuron—The Nervous System's Building Block 45 ^ Generating the Message Within the Neuron—The Neural Impulse 46 Sending the Message to Other Cells: The Synapse 49 Neurotransmitters: Messengers of the Network 51 Cleaning Up the Synapse: Reuptake and Enzymes 52 the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM-THE "CENTRAI PROCESSING UNIT" 53 ^tivj iKAL The Brain 53 The Spinal Cord 53 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NEWS Adult Bone Marrow: New Hope for the Damaged Brain 55 THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM-NERVES ON THE EDGE 56 ivcrsvta The Somatic Nervous System 56 The Autonomic Nervous System 57 PEEKING INSIDE THE BRAIN 60 Clinical Studies 60 The EEG 60 CT Scans 62 MRI Scans 62 PET Scans 62 FROM THE BOTTOM UP THE STRUCTURES OF THE BRAIN 62 The Brain Stem 63 Structures Under the Cortex 64 The Cortex 66 The Association Areas of the Cortex 69 CLASSIC STUDiFS Ui PSYCHOLOGY Through the Looking Glass: Spatial Neglect 70 The Cerebral Hemispheres: Are You in Your Right Mind? 70 THE CHEMICAL CONNECTION: THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS 72 The Pituitary, Master of the Hormonal Universe 73 The Pineal Gland 73 The Thyroid Gland 73 » Pancreas 73 The Gonads 74 The Adrenal Glands 74 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE BRAINS 74 Chapter Summary 76 Key Terms 78 Test Yourself 78 ► CONCEPT MAP 80 Sensation and Perception 82 THE ABCs OF SENSATION 84 What Is Sensation? 84 Sensory Thresholds 84 Habituation and Sensory Adaptation 86 the SCIENCE OF SEEING 87 Psychological Properties of Light: Catching the Waves 87 The Structure of the Eye 88 How the Eye Works 90 Color Vision 91 - the hearing sense: CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? Ss Psychological Properties of Sound 95 The Structure 6f the Ear: Follow the Vibes, 96 Theories of Pitch 98 Types of Hearing Impairments 98 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NEWS New Surger, to Help Restore Heaiing 100 CHEMICAI SfNSES: IT TASTES GOOD, BUT IT SMELLS ""TueL'oa HOW we Taste the World 101 The Sense Of Scents: Olfaction 103 SOMESTHETIC SENSES: WHAT THE BODY KNOWS 104 Touch, Pressure, and Temperature 104 Pain—Gate-Control Theory 105 The Kinesthetic Sense 106 The Vestibular Sense 106 THE ABCs OF PERCEPTION 108 The Constancies: Size, Shape, and Brightness 108 The Gestalt Principles 108 Depth Perception 111 CLASSIC STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOGY The Visual Cliff 111 Perceptual Illusions 114 Factors That Influence Perception 116 applying PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT ESP 117 Chapter Summary 119 Key Terms 120 Test Yourself 121 ^ CONCEPT MAP 122 Consciousness: Sleep, Dreams, Hypnosis, and Drugs 124 WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS? 126 Definition of Consciousness 126 Altered States of Consciousness 126 ALTERED STATES: SLEEP 127 The Necessity of Sleep 127 The Stages of Sleep 131 REM Sleep 133 REM Madness 134 i l l p 5 v C H f 'I i PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NEWS Murderous Dreams 135 Sleep Disorders 137 | DREAMS 139 )G V Freud's Interpretation: Dreams as Wish Fulfillment 139 The Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis 140 What Do People Dream About? I4i ALTERED STATES: HYPNOSIS 142 Steps in Hypnotic Induction 142 Fact or Mirth: What Can Hypnosis Really Do? 143 Theories of Hypnosis 144 ALTERED STATES: PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS 145 Physical Dependence 145 Psychological Dependence 146 Stimulants: Up, Up, and Away 146 Down in the Valley: Depressants 150 Alcohol 151 Narcotics: I Feel Your Pain 152 Hallucinogens: Higher and Higher 154 Marijuana 155 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: ARE YOU SLEEP DEPRIVED? 157 Causes of Sleep Deprivation 158 How Can You Tell if You Are Sleep Deprived 158 Chapter Summary 158 ftey Terms 160 Test Yourself 160 ► CONCEPT MAP 162 Learning 164 DEFINITION OF LEARNING 166 IT MAKES YOUR MOUTH WATER: CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 167 Pavlov and the Salivating Dogs 167 Elements of Classical Conditioning 167 Putting It All Together: Pavlov's Canine Classic, or Ding, Dong, Bell 168 Conditioned Emotional Responses: Rats! 172 Other Conditioned Responses in Humans 173 Why Does Classical Conditioning Work? 174 WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME? OPERANT CONDITIONING 175 Frustrating Cats: Thorndike's Puzzle Box and the Law of Effect 176 B. F. Skinner: The Behaviorist's Behaviorist 177 The Concept of Reinforcement 177 Other Operant Concepts 181 The Schedules of Reinforcement: Why the Gne-Armed Bandit Is So Seductive 182 Punishment 186 Stimulus Control: Slow Down, It's the Cops 188 ri A^SIC !■•' V rtfOLor-V Biological Constraints of Operant Conditioning 188 Applying Operant Conditioning: Behavior Modification 190 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NEWS Neurofeedback and the Treatmen >f ADD 191 COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORN J2 Tolman's Maze-Running Rats: Latent Learning 193 Seligman's Depressed Dogs: Learned Helplessness 194 Kohler's Smart Chimp: Insight Learning 195 OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING 196 Bandura and the Bobo Doll 196 The Four Elements of Observational Learning 197 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: CAN YOU REALLY TOILET TRAIN YOUR CAT? 198 Ready? First Start by Training Yourself... 199 Chapter Summary 201 Key Terms 203 Test Yourself 203 CONCEPT MAP 206 Memory 208 MEMORY 210 Putting It In: Encoding 210 Keeping It In: Storage 211 Getting It Out: Retrieval 211 MODELS OF MEMORY 211 Levels-of-Processing Model 211 Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Model 212 THE INFORMATION-PROCESSING MODEL' THREE STAGES OF MEMORY 212 Sensory Memory: Why Do People Do Double Takes? 213 Short-Term (Working) Memory 215 Long-Term Memory 218 getting it OUT: RETRIEVAL OF LONG-TERM memories 224 Retrieval Cues 224 Recall: Hmm . . . Let Me Think 226 Recognition: Hey, Don't I Know You from Somewhere? 227 ...urA.- .M, p. , 1'^ > r Q^V f- 1 A c '■ . f c '•*; 1 r- i r I- I ' . Elizabeth Loftus and Eyewitnesses 228 Automatic Encoding: Flashbulb Memories 229 THE RECONSTRUCTIVE NATURE OF LONG-TERM memory RETRIEVAL: HOW RELIABLE ARE memories? 230 Constructive Processing of Memories 23(. Memory Retrieval Problems 231 WHAT WERE WE TALKING ABOUT? FORGETTING 234 Ebbinghaus and the Forgetting Curve 234 Encoding Failure 235 Memory Trace Decay Theory 235 Intetference Theory, 235 MEMORY AND THE BRAIN: THE PHYSICAL ASPECTS OF MEMORY 237 Neural Activity and Structure In Memory Formation 237 The Hippocampus and Memory 237 When Memory Falls: Organic Amnesia 238 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: CURRENT RESEARCH IN ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 240 Chapter Summary 241 Key Terms 243 Test Yourself 243 ► CONCEPT MAP 246 Development Across the Life Span 248 ISSUES IN STUDYING HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 250 Nature Versus Nurture 251 PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT 252 Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA 252 Dominant and Recessive Genes 253 Genetic and Chromosome Problems 254 From Conception to Birth 255 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NEWS Abby and Britty Hensel, Together for Life 256 INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 259 Physical Development 260 mm CURRENT ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGYIW The Facts and Myths About Immunizations 262 Cognitive Development 264 Psychosoclal Development 270 rm CLASSIC studies in PSYCHCiLOGY Harlow and Contact Comfort 272 ADOLESCENCE 274 ' - Physical Development 274 / Cognitive Development 275 " , Psychosoclal Development 278 ' ADULTHOOD 279 Physical Development: Use It or Lose It 279 Cognitive Development 280 Psychosoclal Development 281 '' Theories of Aging 282 " .Stages of Death and Dying 283 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE- ADHD—NOT JUST FOR CHILDREN 284 Chapter Summary 286 Key Terms 287 Test Yourself 288 > CONCEPT MAP 290 Theories of Personality 442 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY 444 THE MAN AND THE COUCH: SIGMUND FREUD' AND PSYCHOANALYSIS 445 Freud's Cultural Background 445 The Divisions of the Mind 445 . The Divisions of the Personality 446 Stages of Personality Development 448 The Neo-Freudians 451 Current Thoughts on Freud and Psychoanalysis 454 THE BEHAVIORIST'S VIEW OF PERSONALITY 455 THE SOCIAL COGNITIVE VIEW OF PERSONALITY 456 Bandura's Reciprocal Determinism and Self-Efficacy 456 Current Thoughts on the Social Cognitive View 457 THE THIRD FORCE: HUMANISM AND PERSONALITY 457 Carl Rogers and Self-Concept 457 Current Thoughts on the Humanistic View of Personality 459 trait THEORIES: WHO ARE YOU? 459 Allport 459 Cattell and the 16PF 460 The Big Five: OCEAN, or the Five-Factor Model of Personality 461 Current Thoughts on the Trait Perspective 462 THE BIOLOGY OF PERSONALITY: BEHAVIORAL GENETICS 462 Twin Studies 463 Adoption Studies 464 Current Findings 464 j;- CLASSIC STUDIES IN PSYCHOLOG Y Geert Hofstede's Four Dimensions of Cultural Personality 455 ASSESSMENT OF PERSONALITY 466 Interviews 466 Projective Tests 467 Behavioral Assessments 469 Personality Inventories 469 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE- PERSONALITY TESTING ON THE INTERNET 471 Chapter Summary 472 Key Terms 474 Test Yourself 474 APPLYING PSYCHOLOGY TO EVERYDAY LIFE: SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD) 552 Chapter Summary 553 Key Terms 555 Psychological Disorders ^20 Test Yourself 556 WHAT IS ABNORMALITY? 522 A Brief History of Psychological Disorders 522 What Is Abnormal? 523 The Final Definition of Abnormality 524 MODELS OF ABNORMALITY 524 The Biological Model: Medical Causes for Psychological Disorders 524 The Psychological Models 525 'M P;;''CHOLOGYrAI A Look at Abnormality in Various Cultures 526 DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL, VERSION IV, TEXT REVISION (D5M-IV-TR) 527 Categories in the DSM-IV-TR 527 How Common Are Psychological Disorders? 529 ANXIETY DISORDERS: WHAT, ME WORRY? 530 Phobic Disorders: When Fears Get Out of Hand 530 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 532 Panic Disorder 532 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 533 Causes of Anxiety Disorder 533 SOMATOFORM DISORDERS: SICKNESS AS^A STATE OF MIND 535 Hypochondriasis 535 Somatization Disorder 535 Conversion Disorder 535 Causes of Somatoform Disorders 536 DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS: ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS 536 Dissociative Amnesia: Who Am I? 537 Dissociative Fugue: Who Am I and How Did I Get Here? 537 Dissociative Identity Disorder: How Many Am I? 538 Causes of Dissociative Disorders 539 pw5 cURRflNT ISSUES IN RS'ff HOLOGYSfH Was "Sybil" a True Multiple Personality? 540 MOOD DISORDERS: THE EFFECT OF AFFECT 541 Major Depression 542 Bipolar Disorders 542 Causes of Mood Disorders 543 SCHIZOPHRENIA: ALTERED REALITY 544 Symptoms 545 Categories of Schizophrenia 546 Causes of Schizophrenia 547 PERSONALITY DISORDERS: I'M OKAY, IT'S EVERYONE ELSE WHO'S WEIRD 549 ER -