An introduction ofHuman environment Geography/ Moseley,Willieam G. - New York: John Wiley, 2013.

Part I: Fundamentals of Human-Environment
1 Inrroduction: A Geographic Perspective on
Human-Environment Interactions
2 The Politics of Nature
3 The Biophysical Environment
Part II: Contemporary Perspectives in
Human-Environment Geography
4 Cultural and Political Ecology: Local Human-Environment
Interactions in a Global Context
5 Environmental History
6 Hazards Geography and Human Vulnerability
7 Environmental Justice: The Uneven Distribution of People.
Pollution, and Environmental Opportunity
Part III: Thematic Issues in I liiman-Environment
S Climate. Atmosphere, and Energy
9 The Population-Consumption-Technology Nexus
10 Agriculture and Food Systems
11 Biodiversity, Conservation, and Protected Areas
12 Water Resources and Fishing Livelihoods
Part IV: Bridging Theory and Practice
13 Geographic Research
14 Conclusion: Making a Difference

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