Thomson, A.K.

Fruit and vegetables: harvesting,handling and storage/ A.K. Thomson - 2nd Ed. - New Delhi: John Wiley, 2014. - 460 p.

(Colour plate section falls between pages 206 and 207)
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xvii
1. Preharvest factors on postharvest life 1
Introduction 1
Nutrients 1
Organic production 3
Rootstock 4
Light 5
Day length 5
Temperature 5
Water relations 6
Tree age 6
Flowering time 6
Harvest time 6
Preharvest infection 7
Chemical treatments 7
2. Assessment of crop maturity 9
Introduction g
methods 9
Postharvest methods 12
3. Harvesting and handling methods 19
Introduction 19
Crop damage 19
Harvesting 21
Field transport 24
4. Precooling 25
Introduction 25
Heat removal 26
Precooling methods 26
5. Packaging 31
Introduction 31
Types of packaging 32
Package recycling
Modified atmosphere packaging 38
vi Contents
6. Postharvest treatments 47
Introduction 47
Minerals 47
Astringency removal 48
Antioxidants 48
Sprout suppressants 48
Fruit coating 49
Antiethylene 51
Salicylic acid 51
Curing 51
Hot water treatment 52
Vapour heat treatment 52
Degreening 52
7. Storage 53
Store management and organization 53
Store design and method 54
Refrigerated storage 59
Controlled atmosphere stores 61
Hypobaric storage 69
8. Disease control 71
Introduction 71
Legislation 71
Microorganism control 72
Chemical application methods 73
Non-fungicidal methods of disease control 75
9. Safety 80
Introduction 80
Micotoxins 81
Bacterial toxins 82
Safety in controlled atmosphere stores 84
Toxicity of packaging material ' 85
Packhouse safety 85
10. Fruit ripening conditions ' 86
Introduction 86
Changes during fruit ripening 87
Controlled atmosphere storage on ripening 91
Design of ripening rooms 92
Ethylene on ripening 92
Sources of ethylene 93
Alternative gases to ethylene 95
11. Marketing and transport
Cooperative marketing associations ]
Market analysis ^
National transport
International trade
Cold chain ^
Transport by sea
International transport by airfreight i
Temperature monitoring
International quarantine
12. Postharvest technology of fruits and vegetables 115
Acerolas ]^^
Ackee, akee
African breadfruit
American grapes
Anise, anis
Anus, cubios
Apples 118
Arracacha, Peruvian parsnip
Asian pears, Japanese pears, nashi
Asian spinach
Aubergines, egg plants
Avocados, alligator pear, midshipmen's butter 142
Bamboo shoots
Banana passionfruit
Bananas *
Barbados cherries, West Indian cherries
Beefsteak fungus
Beetroots, red beet
Belle apples, Jamaican honeysuckle, water lemons
Biriba, wild soursop
Bitter gourd, pepind, kerela, bitter cucumber, balsam pear
Bitter yam, cluster yam
Blackberries, brambles
Black radish
Black sapptes
Contents vii
viii Contents
Blueberries, bilberries, whortleberries 172
Blewit, field blewit 173
Bottle gourds, white flowered gourds 173
Boysenberries 1
Breadfruits 174
Broad beans, horse beans, Windsor beans I75
Broccoli, calabrese 17g
Brussels sprouts 177
Cabbages -iyg
Cainnetos, star apples 179
Calamondnis, Philippine limes I80
Canistel, egg fruit 180
Cape gooseberries, physalis, Peruvian cherry I80
Capsicums, sweet peppers, bell peppers I81
Carambola, star fruit I83
Carrots 184
Cashewapples 185
Cassava, monioc, tapioca, yuca 186
Cauliflower I89
Cauliflower fungus 191
Celeriac, turnip rooted celery 191
Celery 192
Cep, penny bun boletus 193
Chanterelles 193
Chard, spinach beet 194
Chayotes, christophines, chocho 194
Cherimoyas I95
Cherries, sweet cherries I95
Chervil 195
Chicory, witloof, radicchio I97
Chillies, hot peppers, peppers, cherry peppers, bird chillies 198
Chinese artichokes 198
Chinese bayberries
Chinese cabbage I99
Chinese chives 200
Chinese kale, kale 200
Chinese pears 201
Chinese radishes, Japanese radishes 201
Chinese water chestnut, biqi 201
Chinese yams 202
Chives 202
Citron 203
Clementines 203
Cloudberries, baked-apples berries 203
Coconuts, waternuts, jelly coconuts 204
Collards, kale 204
Coriander 205
Courgettes, summer squash, zucchini, baby marrow 205
Cranberries 206
Cress, watercress 207
Cucumber 208
Custard apples, bullock's heart 209
Damsons 210
Dates 210
Dewberries 213
Dill 213
Durians 213
Easy peeling citrus fruits 215
Elderberries 215
Elephant foot yam, elephant yam, suran 215
Emblic, Indian gooseberries 216
Endives, escaroles, frisee 216
Enoki-take mushrooms, winter mushroom, velvet shank 216
Fairy ring toadstool 217
Feijoas, pineapples guava 217
Fennel 218
Field mushroom 218
Fig leaf gourds, malibar gourds 218
Figs 218
Gages, green gages 220
Garlic 220
Genips, Spanish limes 221
Giant taro 221
Ginger 221
Globe artichokes 222
Golden apple, otaheite apple 223
Gooseberries 223
Governor's plum 224
Granadillas, giant granadillas 224
Granadillos, sweet granadillas 224
Grapes 225
Grapefruits 227
Greater yam, Lisbon yam, white yam, water yam, Asiatic yam 229
Green beans, kidney beans, snap beans, common beans 230
Guavas 232
Hawthorne 234
Hog plum, yellow mombin 234
Horn of plenty 234
Horse mushroom 234
Horseradish 234
Huckleberries 235
Hyssop 235
Intoxicating yam, Asiatic bitter yam 235
Jaboticaba 236
Jackfruit, jaca 236
Jerusalem artichoke 237
Jew's ear ^ 237
Jujube, Chfhese jujube 237
Contents ix
X Contents
Jujube, Indian jujube, ber
Kale 239
Kiwanos, horned melons, melano
Kiwifruits, Chinese gooseberries, yang tao
Kohlrabi, turnip rooted cabbage
Kumquats "42
Langsat, lanzon, duku
Lemon balm
Lesser yam, Asiatic yam, lesser Asiatic yam
Lettuces 250
Lima beans, butter beans, Burma beans
Limes 253
Limequats 253
Litchi, lychee 255
Loganberries 255
Longan 257
Longkong, longong 257
Loquats, Japanese medlars
Lotus roots 258
Lovi lovi 258
Maitake 258
Malay apple, pomerac, jambos, Malacca apple
Mamey, mamay apple, mammey apple
Mandarins 260
Mangoes 267
Mangosteen 268
Marrow, squash 270
Matricaria 270
Medlar 270
Melons, cantaloupes, musk melons 273
Methi 273
Mint 273
Monstera 273
Mora, Andes berry 274
Morles 274
Mulberries 274
Mume, Japanese apricot 275
Mushrooms, cultivated mushroom 273
Mustard, white mustard 278
Nameko 278
Naranjilla, lulo, toronja 279
Nectarines 279
Oca ^ 280
Okra, gumbo, lady's finger 28i
Onions, bulb onions 286

Ortanique, temple oranges, murcotts
Oyster mushrooms, hiratake mushroom
Papa criolla, criolla
Papayas, pawpaws
Papayuela, mountain papaya
Parasol mushrooms, parasol fungus
Passionfruits, maracuya
Pe-tsai, pak choi, pak choy, celery cabbage
Peas, garden peas, mange tout, snow peas, sugar peas
Pepinos, mishqui, tree melons
Persimmons, kaki, sharon fruit, date plums
Pink-spored grisette, rose-gilled grisette
Pitahaya, dragon fruit
Potato yams
Prickly pear, tuna, Indian fig, barberry fig, cactus fruit
Pummelos, pomelos, pomelo, shaddock
Queensland arrowroot, edible canna
Radishes, salad radishes
Redcurrants, white currants
Red whortleberries, cowberries, mountain cranberries
Rose apple, pomarosa
Saffron milk cap
Salak, snake fruit
Sapodillas, sapota, zapota, chico chiko
Sapote mamey, mamey sapote
Savory, summer savory
Scarlet runner beans, runner beans
Seville oranges, bitter oranges
Shaggy ink cap, lawyer's wig
Snake gourds 335
Sorrel, Jamaican sorrel, roselle 336
Sorrel, French sorrel 336
Sour cherries 336
Soursop, graviola, guanabana 337
Spanish plum, Jamaican plum, red mombin 337
Spinach 337
Spring onions, green onions, scallions, scallions 338
Strawberries 339
Strawberry guava, cattley guava 341
Straw mushrooms, paddy straw mushrooms 342
Sugar cane, noble cane 342
Summer white button mushroom 342
Swamp taro, giant swamp taro, gallan 343
Swedes, rutabagas 344
Sweetcorn, baby corn 344
Sweet passionfruit 346
Sweet potatoes 347
Sweet sops, sugar apples, custard apples 348
Tamarillos, tree tomatoes 349
Tamarind 350
Tangerines 351
Tannia, new cocoyam 351
Taro, dasheen, eddoe, cocoyam, malanga, old cocoyam 351
Tayberries 353
Tomatoes 353
Topee tambo 357
Turnips 357
Turnip greens
Turnip rooted parsley, hamburg parsley 358
Ugli Fruits, minneolas, minneolas, tangelos 358
Ulloa, ulloco 359
Velvet shank 359
Watermelon 359
Water spinach, tong cai, kang kong 361
West Indian gooseberries, otaheite gooseberries 361
White radishes, Japanese radishes, mooli, daikon 361
White sapote, zapote 361
White yams, negro yams, guinea yams 362
Wild cucumbers,, pepinos ^^3
Winged beans
Wood blewits 364
Wood mushroom 364
Yacon, jiquima, aricuma 364
Yam bean, jicama 365
Yampies, cush cush, elephant yams, Indian yams 366
Yanagimatsutake mushrooms 367
Yellow yams, twelve months yams 367
Youngberries 368
Zapotes chupa chupa 369
Appendix: glossary of terms 371
Abbreviations 371
Carbon dioxide and oxygen in controlled atmosphere stores 371
Concentration of chemicals and ethylene in a store 371
Film thickness 371
Humidity 372
Hypobaric storage 372

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