Behavioural ecology: an evolutionary approach/ edited by J. R. Krebs - Japan: Blackwell Science, 1981. - 456 p.

Part 1: Introduction
1 The Evolution of Behavioural Ecology, 3
John R. Krebs ^ Nicholas B. Davies
Part 2: Mechanisms and Individual Behaviour
Introduction, 15
2 Sensory Systems and Behaviour, 19
RUdiger Wehner
3 The Ecology of Information Use, 42
Luc-Alain Giraldeau
4 Recognition Systems, 69
W. Sherman, Hudson K. Reeve &David W. Pfennig
5 Managing Time and Energy, 97
Innes Cuthill & Alasdair I Houston
6 Sperm Competition and Mating Systems, 121
Timothy R. Birkhead &Geoffrey A. Parker
Part 3: From Individual Behaviour to
Social Systems
Introduction, 149
7 The Evolution of Animal Signals, 155
Rufus A. Johnstone
8 Sexual Selection and Mate Choice, 179
Michael J. Ryan
9 Sociality and Kin Selection in Insects, 203
Andrew FG. Bourke
10 Predicting Family Dynamics in Social Vertebrates, 228
Stephen T. Emlen
11 The Ecology of Relationships, 254
Anne E. Pusey &Craig Packer
12 The Social Gene, 284
David Haig
Part 4: Life Histories, Phylogenies and Populations
Introduction, 307
13 Adaptation of Life Histories, 311
Serge Daan &oost M. Tinbergen
14 The Phylogenetic Foundations of Behavioural Ecology, 334
Paul H. Harvey &Sean Nee
15 Causes and Consequences of Population Structure, 350
Godfrey M. Hewitt &Roger K. Butlin
16 Individual Behaviour, Populations and Conservation, 373
John D. Goss-Custard & William J. Sutherland

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