Mao's Invisible Hand/ the political foundations of adaptive governance in china Heilmann,Sebastian [ed.] - London: Harvard university Asia Center, 2013. - 320

1. Embracing Uncertainty: Guerrilla Pulicy St)]e and Adaptive
(juvernance in (!^hina
Sebastian Heihnann and iUi^cibeth J. ISny
2. f'rom Mass Campaigns to Managed (Campaigns: "(Construct
ing a New Socialist (C(»untryside"
I'Jis^abeth f. Per/y-
3. Policy-Making through Hxperimcntati(jn: The Formation of a
Distinctive Policy l^rocess
Sebastian Hei/n/ann
4. Learning through Practice and Experimentation: The Financ
ing of Rural Health Care
Wans^ Shao^uan^
5. (ioNcrning (Ci\'il Stjciet^': Adapting Revolutionary Methods to
Serve Post-(Communist Goals
Kara Dillon
6. A Return to Populist Legality?' Historical Legacies and Legal
lien/an/in I. I jebn/an
1. Sustaining and (Contesting Revolutionary Legacies in Media
and Ideology
)m- :^)i yjjuo
8. Retrofitting the Steel Frame: From Mobilizing the Masses to
Surveying the Public
Piitriciii M. Tborn ton
9. The I'Uusive Search for liffective Sub-Count)' Governance
Joseph Fewsmith
10. Central-Local Dynamics: Historical Continuities and Institu
tional Resilience
Jae Ho Chnni>

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