
Nutri Horticulture/ K.V. Peter - New Delhi: Daya publishing house, 2012. - 343p.

1. Improving Nutrition Security and Health for All:
The Important Role of Horticulture 1
Janice Albert
2. Endophytic Microorganisms in Agriculture cmd Horticulture 7
Pious Thomas
3. Genetics of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility as Affected by Temperature 25
B.V, Tembhurne andR,L. Chavan
4. Biointensive Integrated Pest Management in Horticultural Crops 47
P. Parvatha Reddy
5. In vitro Breeding Strategies in the Development of Australian Native Plants 75
Zul Zulkarnain, Tanya Taping Kate and Acram Taji
6. Science of Polyembryony 99
/?.K. Roshan and Non Gallei Pebam
7. Computational Biology Applications 123
Aimy Sebastian and Vibin Ramakrishnan
8. Breeding Methods of Self Pollinated Crops 143
T. Vanaja
9. Biochemistry and Physiology of Latex Production in
Rubber {Hevea brasiliensis) 155
N. Usha Nair, Molly Thomas and S. Sreelatha
10. Water Requirement of Horticultural Crops 171
E,J. Joseph
11. Rainwater Harvesting Methods 195
K.P. Visalakshi
12. Biology of Grafting in Dicot Plants 221
N.K. Parameswaran and Renish Jayaraj
13. Basics of Screening Techniques for Disease Resistance
Against Fungal and Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables 231
M,K, Naik, S.V, Manjunatha, Suresh Patil and V.S. Amaresh
14. Factors Affecting Shelf Life of Fruits 241
Ram Asrey and Kalyan Barman
15. History of Coconut Breeding 257
R,V, Nair, K, Samsudeen andM, Shareefa
16. History of Nematology Research 271
Jiji Rftjmohan
17. Marketing Management 309
K,R. Ashok and K. Mani

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