Expenditure budget 2014-2015/ Government of India - 190

1. Introductory Notes
Part-1 - General
2. Summary of Expenditure
3. Expenditure by Ministries/Departments
4. Expenditure of Union Territories without Legislature
5. Rovised Estimates, 2013-2014
6. Budget Estimates, 2014-2015
Part-ll-Non-Plan Expenditure
7. Non-Plan Expenditure. 2014-2015
8. Non-Plan Expenditure by Broad Categories
9. Non-Plan Subsidies -Interest Subsidies
10. Non-Plan Subsidies -Other Subsidies
11. Departmental Commercial Undertakings
12. Non-Plan Capital Outlay
13. Non-Plan Grants and Loans to Public Enterprises
14. Non-Plan Grants and Loans to State
and Union Territory Governments
15. Grants and Loans to Foreign Governments
Part- Ill-Plan Outlay
16. Plan Outlay 2014-2015
17. Central Plan Outlay by r\/1inistries/Departments
18. Central Plan Outlay by Heads of Development
19. Plan Investments in Public Enterprises
20. Resources of Public Enterprises
21. Central Assistance for State and Union Territory Plans
22. Plan Grants and Loans to Stale and Union Territory Governments
23. Direct Transfer of Central Plan Assistance to State/
District level Autonomous Bodies/Implementing Agencies
24. Estimates of Provision for Externally Aided Projects
25. Gender Budget
26. Schemes under Scheduled Castes Sub Plan
27. Schemes under Tribal Sub Plan
28. Budget Provisions for Schemes for the Welfare of Children

352.45954 / GOV/E