TY - BOOK TI - United Nations Today SN - 9211011604 U1 - 341.23 PY - 2008/// CY - New York PB - United Nations N1 - PART ONE Chapter 1: The United Nations Organization United Nations Charter. Purposes and principles . Membership . . . Official languages . Structure of the Organization . . General Assembly Security Council. Economic and Social Council Trusteeship Council International Court of Justice Secretariat . . . . Secretary-General Budget of the United Nations. . TKe United Nations family of organizations . United Nations Secretariat. Regional commissions . . . International tribunals. . . United Nations programmes and other bodies Specialized agencies and other organizations . PARTTWO Chapter 2: International Peace and Security. Tlie Security Council. The General Assembly Conflict prevention . Peacemaking. Peacekeeping Enforcement. Sanctions Authorizing military action Peacebuilding . Electoral assistance Building peace through development . United Nations action for peace. . . . Africa Southern Africa Great Lakes region of Africa West Africa East Africa. . . . The Americas . . . Asia and the Pacific . The Middle East , Afghanistan . . Iraq India-Pakistan . . Tajikistan ... . Cambodia ... . Myanmar ... . Nepal Bougainville / Papua New Guinea Timor-Leste Europe . .. . Cyprus. . . Georgia . . The Balkans Disarmament Disarmament machinery .... Weapons of mass destruction Conventional weapons, confidence-building and transparency Peaceful uses of outer space Latest developments. . . . Chapter 3: Economic and Social Development Coordinating development activities . . Economic development Official development assistance. . . Promoting development worldwide Lending for development . . Lending for stability Investment and development. Trade and development . . . Agricultural development Industrial development. Labour International aviation International shipping Telecommunications. International postal service. Intellectual property . Global statistics . . . Public administration Science and technology for development. Social development . . Progress in attaining the Millennium Development Goals Reducing poverty . Fighting hunger . . Health Human settlements Education Research and training Population and development Gender equality and empowerment of women Promoting the rights of the child. Social integration . Families. Youth. . Older persons. . Indigenous issues Persons with disabilities. ... Uncivil society: crime, illicit drugs and terrorism. . Science, culture and communication . Sustainable development. Agenda 21 World Summit on Sustainable Development Financing sustainable development. . Action for the environment Climate change and global warming . Small islands Sustainable forest management. . . . Desertification Biodiversity, pollution and overfishing Protecting the marine environment. . Weather, climate and water. . Natural resources and energy. Nuclear safety . Chapter 4: Human Rights . . . Human rights instruments International Bill of Human Rights . Economic, social and cultural rights . Civil and political rights . Other conventions . ... Other standards Human rights machinery. . . Human Rights Council . UN High Commissioner for Human Rights . Promoting and protecting human rights. The right to development The right to food . . . . The rights of labour . . . The struggle against discrimination . Apartheid Racism The rights of women . . The rights of children . . The rights of minorities . Indigenous peoples . . Persons with disabilities Migrant workers . .. . Administration of justice . . . Future priorities Chapter 5: Humanitarian Action . . Coordinating humanitarian action Providing assistance and protection International protection and assistance to refugees Palestine refugees Chapter 6: International Law Judicial settlement of disputes i i Development and codification of international law International trade law Environmental law Law of the sea • • • International humanitarian law Internation.il tribunals IX Incernacionai terrorism Other legal questions Chapter 7: Decolonization. International trusteeship system . . . Non-Self-Governing Territories. . . . Declaration on the Granting of Indepenaence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Namibia Timor-Leste Western Sahara PART THREE APPENDICES United Nations member states . Growth in United Nations membership, 1945-2006 Peacekeeping operations, past and present. Decolonization Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories independent since 1960 Dependent Territories that have become integrated or associated with independent states since 1960 Trust Territories that have achieved self-determination . . Budget of the United Nations . . . United Nations special observances United Nations information centres, services and offices For flirther reading. INDEX , Boxes Chapter 1 Amendments to the United Nations Charter. Previous Secretaries-General 2005 World Summit Outcome The United Nations and the Nobel Peace Prize. A World of Support for the United Nations . . Reform and revitalization: peacekeeping and disarmament Cb^ter 2 The new peacebuilding architecture . . . The responsibility to protect Who commands peacekeeping operations United Nations peacekeeping operations United Nations Political and peacebuliding missions. An interim administrator Africa: a United Nations priority (peace and security) UNAMID: the UN's first hybrid peacekeeping mission . . Oil for food: fact and fiction . . Multilateral disarmament and arms regulation agreements . Bilateral agreements . . . . The fight against landmines UNISPACE conferences . . Oi^terS Making globalization work for all The United Nations competitive advantage. International Conference on Financing for Development. . Africa: a United Nations priority (economic and social) Foreign direct investment and development Promoting equitable trade Major world conferences since 1990 . . World Summit for Social Development Millennium Declaration targets . . . . On the verge of a polio-free world . . . Malaria and tuberculosis . . . . The UN combats HIV/AIDS. . World conferences on women . A World Fit for Children. . . . An Alliance of Civilizations . . Sustainable development summits Changing human behaviour . . . Synthesis report on climate change Chapter 4 Defining universal rights The United Nations Democracy Fund . Special rapporteurs and working groups World Conference on Human Rights . Technical cooperation programme . . . Chapters The Indian Ocean Earthquake-Tsunami of December 2004 Coordinating emergency relief. Protecting children in war . . . Protecting UN staff and humanitarian workers. Refugees in their own country . People in flight. . . Chapter 6 The International Criminal Court Chapter 7 Territories to which the Declaration on decolonization continues to apply . Charts and maps Chapter 1 Principal Offices of the United Nations The United Nations system . Chapter 2 United Nations peacekeeping operations. Political and peacebuilding missions . . . Chapter 3 Foreign investment inflows to developing countries, 1990-2006 Total primary energy supply by source, 2002 Chapter 4 Women's participation in national parliaments across regions. . Chapter 5 Pulling together for tsunami aid and recovery . ER -