Asian Development Outlook 2012 Update/ services and asia's future growth Asian Development Bank - Philippinses: Asian Development Bank, 2012-11. - 168

""Cover""; ""Contents""; ""Foreword""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Definitions""; ""Abbreviations""; ""ADO 2012 Update�Highlights""; ""Dimming global growth prospects""; ""Growth flagging as momentum fades""; ""Risks to the outlook""; ""Policy options in uncertain times""; ""Annex: Global headwinds unabated""; ""Services and Asia�s future growth""; ""Competitive services for sustained growth""; ""The quiet rise of services""; ""Trapped in traditional services""; ""Services fueling Asia�s future growth""; ""Global market for services""; ""Bridging the gaps that constrain services"" ""Economic trends and prospects in developing Asia""""Subregional summaries""; ""Bangladesh""; ""People�s Republic of China""; ""India""; ""Indonesia""; ""Malaysia""; ""Pakistan""; ""Philippines""; ""Thailand""; ""Viet Nam""; ""Statistical appendix""; ""Statistical notes and tables""


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