Kraft, James S

An introduction to number theory with cryptography/ James S Kraft - Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2014. - 554p.

Introduction Diophantine Equations Modular Arithmetic Primes and the Distribution of Primes Cryptography Divisibility Divisibility Euclid's Theorem Euclid's Original Proof The Sieve of Eratosthenes The Division Algorithm The Greatest Common Divisor The Euclidean Algorithm Other Bases Linear Diophantine Equations The Postage Stamp Problem Fermat and Mersenne Numbers Chapter Highlights Problems Unique Factorization Preliminary Results The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Euclid and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Chapter Highlights Problems Applications of Unique Factorization A Puzzle Irrationality Proofs The Rational Root Theorem Pythagorean Triples Differences of Squares Prime Factorization of Factorials The Riemann Zeta Function Chapter Highlights Problems Congruences Definitions and Examples Modular Exponentiation Divisibility Tests Linear Congruences The Chinese Remainder Theorem Fractions mod m Fermat's Theorem Euler's Theorem Wilson's Theorem Queens on a Chessboard Chapter Highlights Problems Cryptographic Applications Introduction Shift and Affine Ciphers Secret Sharing RSA Chapter Highlights Problems Polynomial Congruences Polynomials Mod Primes Solutions Modulo Prime Powers Composite Moduli Chapter Highlights Problems Order and Primitive Roots Orders of Elements Primitive Roots Decimals Card Shuffling The Discrete Log Problem Existence of Primitive Roots Chapter Highlights Problems More Cryptographic Applications Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Coin Flipping over the Telephone Mental Poker The ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem Digital Signatures Chapter Highlights Problems Quadratic Reciprocity Squares and Square Roots Mod Primes Computing Square Roots Mod p Quadratic Equations The Jacobi Symbol Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity Chapter Highlights Problems Primality and Factorization Trial Division and Fermat Factorization Primality Testing Factorization Coin Flipping over the Telephone Chapter Highlights Problems Geometry of Numbers Volumes and Minkowski's Theorem Sums of Two Squares Sums of Four Squares Pell's Equation Chapter Highlights Problems Arithmetic Functions Perfect Numbers Multiplicative Functions Chapter Highlights Problems Continued Fractions Rational Approximations; Pell's Equation Basic Theory Rational Numbers Periodic Continued Fractions Square Roots of Integers Some Irrational Numbers Chapter Highlights Problems Gaussian Integers Complex Arithmetic Gaussian Irreducibles The Division Algorithm Unique Factorization Applications Chapter Highlights Problems Algebraic Integers Quadratic Fields and Algebraic Integers Units Z[ -2] Z[ 3] Non-unique Factorization Chapter Highlights Problems Analytic Methods SIGMA1/p Diverges Bertrand's Postulate Chebyshev's Approximate Prime Number Theorem Chapter Highlights Problems Epilogue: Fermat's Last Theorem Introduction Elliptic Curves Modularity Supplementary Topics Geometric Series Mathematical Induction Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem Fibonacci Numbers Problems Answers and Hints for Odd-Numbered Exercises Index


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