Clinical Assessment of Dangerousness/ empirical contributions Pinard, Georges-Franck - 1 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. - 286

Prologue / Paul S. Appelbaum --
Clinical Assessment of Dangerousness: An Overview of the Literature / Linda Pagani, Georges-F. Pinard --
Basic Issues in Violence Research --
Biology, Development, and Dangerousness / Elizabeth J. Susman, Jordan W. Finkelstein --
The Development of Physical Aggression During Childhood and the Prediction of Later Dangerousness / Richard E. Tremblay --
Predicting Adult Official and Self-Reported Violence / David P. Farrington --
Mental Health Issues and Dangerousness --
Major Mental Disorder and Violence: Epidemiology and Risk Assessment / John Monahan --
Axis II Disorders and Dangerousness / Kenneth Tardiff --
Recidivistic Violent Behavior and Axis I and Axis II Disorders / Jari Tiihonen --
Family Issues and Dangerousness --
Risk Assessment for Intimate Partner Homicide / Jacquelyn C. Campbell, Phyllis Sharps, Nancy Glass --
Parents at Risk of Filicide / Maureen Marks --
Parricide / Charles P. Ewing --
Individual Characteristics and Dangerousness --
Alcohol and Dangerousness / Joan McCord --
Violence and Substance Abuse / Philip Bean --
Threats, Stalking, and Criminal Harassment / J. Reid Meloy --
Discussion and Clinical Commentary on Issues in the Assessment and Prediction of Dangerous ness / Georges-F. Pinard, Linda Pagani.


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