The Uses of Cultural Studies/ a textbook McRobbie,Angela - 1 - London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2005-04-30. - 224

Introduction; Privilege and Delight 1
1 Stuart Hall and the Inventiveness of Cultural Studies 9
2 Black and Not-black: Gilroy's Critique of Racialised
Modernity 39
3 No Woman, No Cry? Judith Butler and the Politics of
Post-feminist Cultural Studies 67
4 Look Back in Anger: Homi Bhabha's Resistant Subject of
Colonial Agency 97
5 'Needs and Norms': Bourdieu and Cultural Studies 121
6 Jameson's Postmodernity: The Politics of Cultural
Capitalism 151
Further Materials I: A Mixed Bag of Misfortune?
Bourdieu's Weight of ike World 175
Further Materials II: Mothers and Fathers, Who Needs
Them? Butler's 185


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