Popular Culture: A Reader/ a reader Guins, Raiford A [ed.] - 1 - London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2005-05-01. - 560

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Entangling the Popular; An Introduction to Popular
Culture: A Reader
Omayra Cruz and Raiford Guins I
1. Raymond Williams. 'Culture' and 'Masses' / 25
From; JSTeywords; A Vocabulary of Culture and Society.
London: Fontana Press, 1976.
2. F.R. Leavis. 'Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture' 33
From: Mass Civilisation and Minority Culture. Cambridge:
Minority Press, 1930.
3. Dwight Macdonald. 'A Theory of Mass Culture' 39
From: Mass Culture: The Popular Arts in America.
Ed. Bernard Rosenberg and David Manning White. New York:
The Free Press, 1957.
4. Tania Modleski. 'Femininity as Mas[s]querade:
A Feminist Approach to Mass Culture' 47
From: High Theory/Low Culture: Analyzing Popular Television
and Film. Ed. Colin MacCabe. Manchester: Manchester
University Press, 1986.
5. Morag Shiach. 'The Popular' 55
From: Discourses on Popular Culture: Class, Gender and History
in Cultural Analysis, 1730 to the Present. London: Polity Press, 1989.
6. Stuart Hall. 'Notes on Deconstructing
"The Popular"' ' 64
From: People's History and Socialist Theory.
Ed. Raphael Samuel. London: Routledge, 1981.
7. Juan Flores.' "Pueblo Pueblo": Popular
Culture in Time' 72
From: From Bomba to Hip-Hop: Puerto Rican Culture
and Latino Identity. New York: Columbia
University Press. 2000.
8. Karl Marx. 'The Fetishism of Commodities
and the Secret Thereof , 89
From: Capital: Volume One. A Critical Analysis of
Capitalist Production (Grig. 1867). Reprinted in
The Marx-Engels Reader. R. Tucker (ed). London:
W.W. Norton & Co, 1972.
9. Walter Benjamin. 'The Work of Art in the Age
of Mechanical Reproduction' 96
From: Illuminations. Ed. H. Arendt and trans. H. Zohn.
London: Fontana, 1992 (orig. 1936).
10. Theodor W. Adorno. 'Culture Industry
Reconsidered' 103
From: The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture.
London: Routledge, 1991 (orig. English trans., 1975).
11. Guy Debord. 'The Commodity as Spectacle' 109
From: Society of the Spectacle. Detroit, MI: Black
and Red, 1970.
12. Fredric Jameson. 'Reification and
Utopia in Mass Culture' 115
From: Signature of the Visible. London: Routledge, 1990.
13. Lisa Lowe and David Lloyd. 'Introduction to
The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Late Capital' - 129
From: The Politics of Culture in the Shadow of Late Capital.
Ed. Lisa Lowe and David Lloyd. Durham, NC:
Duke University Press, 1997.
14. Paul Smith. 'Tommy Hilfiger in the Age
of Mass Customization' 151
From: No Sweat: Fashion, Free Trade, and the Rights of
Garment Workers. Ed. Andrew Ross. New York: Verso, 1997.
15. Ellis Cashmore. 'America's Paradox' 159
From: The Black Culture Industry. London: Routledge, 1997.
16. Inderpal Grewal. 'Traveling Barhie: Indian
Transnationality and New Consumer Subjects' 168
From: positions 7.3, 1999.
17. Janet Wasko. 'Corporate Disney in Action' 184
From: Understanding Disney; The Manufacture of Fantasy.
Cambridge: Polity, 2001.
18. Henry Yu. 'How Tiger Lost His Stripes:
Post-Nationalist American Studies as a History of Rac6,
Migration, and the Commodification of Culture' 197
From: Post-Nationalist American Studies. Ed. J.C. Rowe. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 2000.
19. John Fiske. 'Popular Discrimination' 215
From: Modernity and Mass Culture. Ed. James Naremore
and Patrick Brantlinger. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 1991.
20. Laura Kipnis. '(Male) Desire and (Female) Disgust:
Reading Hustler' - 223
From: Cultural Studies. Ed. Lawrence Grossberg et al.
London: Routledge, 1992.
21. Paul Willis. 'Symbolic Creativity' 241
From: Common Culture: Symbolic Work at Play in the Everyday
Cultures of the Young. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1990.
22. Henry Jenkins. 'Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten:
Fan Writing as Textual Poaching' 249
From: Close Encounters: Film, Feminism, and Science
Fiction. Ed. Constance Penley et al. Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press, 1991. ^
23. Joan Hawkins. 'Sleaze Mania, Euro-Trash
and High Art: The Place of European Art Films ^
in American Low Culture' 263
From: Film Quarterly 53.2, 2000.
24. Stuart Hall. 'What is this "Black" in Black
Popular Culture?' 285
From: Black Popular Culture. Ed. Gina Dent. Seattle, WA:
Bay Press, 1992. ,
25. Gayatri Gopinath. ' "Bombay, UK, Yuha City":
Bhangra Music and the Engendering of Diaspora' 294
From: Diaspora 4.3, 1995.
26. Lauren Berlant. 'The Face of America and
the State of Emergency' 309
From: The Queen of America Goes to Washington City: Essays on
Sex and Citizenship. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997.
27. Jose Estehan Munoz. 'Pedro Zamora's Real World of
Counterpuhlicity: Performing an Ethics of the Self 324
From: Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of
Politics. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
28. Richard Fung. 'Looking for My Penis: The Eroticized
Asian in Gay Video Pom' 338
From: How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video. Ed. Bad-Object
Choices. Seattle, WA: Bay Press, 1991.
29. Dick Hebdige. 'Subculture' 355
From: Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London:
Routledge, 1979.
30. Angela McRobbie. 'Second-Hand Dressed
and the Role of the Ragmarket' " 372
From: Zoot Suits and Second-Hand Dresses:
An Anthology of Fashion and Music. Ed. Angela McRobbie.
Boston, MA: Unwin Hyman, 1988. /
31. Sarah Thornton. 'The Media Development
of "Subcultures" (or the Sensational Story
of "Acid House")' 383
From: Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital.
Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1996.
32. TLicia Rose. 'A Style Nobody Can Deal With:
Politics, Style and the Postindustrial City in Hip Hop' 401
From: Microphone Fiends: Youth Music and Youth Culture.
Ed. Andrew Ross and Tricia Rose. New York and London:
Routledge, 1994.
33. Cynthia Fuchs. 'If I Had a Dick: Queers, Punks,
and Alternative Acts' 417
From: Mapping the Beat: Popular Music and Contemporary
Theory. Ed. Thomas Swiss, John Sloop and
Andrew Herman. Oxford: Blackwell Puhlishers, 1998.
34. Judith Halberstam. 'Drag Kings: Masculinity
and Performance' 429
From: Female Masculinity. Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 2000.
35. Michel de Certeau. 'Walking in the City' 449
From: The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1984.
36. Michael Nevin Willard. 'Seance, TYicknowlogy,
Skateboarding, and the Space of Youth' 462
From: Generations of Youth: Youth Cultures and History in
TKventieth-Century America. Ed. Joe Austin and Michael Nevin
Willard. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
37. Victor Hugo Viesca. 'Straight Out the Barrio: Ozomatli and
the Importance of Place in the Formation of Chicano/a
Popular Culture in Los Angeles' 479
From: Cultural Values 4.4 (October), 2000.
38. Paul Gilroy. 'Wearing Your Art on Your Sleeve: Notes
Towards a Diaspora History of Black Ephemera' 495
From: Small Acts: Thoughts on the Politics of Black Cultures.
London: Serpent's Tail, 1993.
39. George Lipsitz. 'Diasporic Noise: History, Hip Hop,
and the Post-Colonial Politics of Sound' 504
From: Dangerous Crossroads: Popular Music, Postmodernism and
The Poetics of Place. New York and London: Verso, 1994.
40. Lisa Nakamura. 'Head-Hunting on the Internet: Identity
Tourism, Avatars, and Racial Passing in Textual and
Graphic Chat Spaces' 520
From: Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet.
London: Routledge, 2002.
Index 534


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