Imported foods/ microbiological issues and challenges Doyle,Michael P. - 1st ed. - Washington: ASM Press, 2008. - 276 p.

Status and Projections for Foods Imported
into the United States 1
W. J. Florkowski
Food Safety Regulations Applicable to
Imported Foods 45
Neal D. For tin
Outbreaks of Food-Borne Diseases Related
to the International Food Trade 69
Robert V. Tauxe, Sarah J. O'Brien, and Martyn Kirk
Animal and Human Waste as Vehides
for Cross-Contamination of Imported
Foods 113
Charles R Gerba and Christopher A. Scott
Sanitation and Hygiene Deficiencies as
Contributing Factors in Contamination of
Imported Foods 139
Fengxia Dong and Flelen H. Jensen
6 Antimicrobial-Resistant Food-Borne Pathogens
in Imported Food 159
Shaohita 7.hao
7 Mycotoxin Contamination of Foods from
around the World 187
Garnctt E. Wood
8 Role of Programs Designed To Improve the
Microbiological Safety of Imported Food 209
Evoen Todd andJulie A. Caswell
9 Summary and Perspective of the Impact of
Imported Foods on the Microbiological Safety
of the United States' Food Supply 255
Marilyn C. Erickson and Michael P. Doyle


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