Focus Group Research/ Walden. Graham R[ed.] - 1st.ed. - Los Angeles, Calif: SAGE, 2012. - 348

VOLUME ONE PART ONE: ORIENTATION Definitions, Characteristics and Overview Studies Focus Group Interview - Charles Basch An Underutilized Research Technique for Improving Theory and Practice in Health Education Focus Groups - Peggy Yuhas Byers and James Wilcox A Qualitative Opportunity for Researchers The Method Is the Message - Michael Delli Carpini and Bruce Williams Focus Groups as a Method of Social, Psychological and Political Inquiry Focus Groups - David Morgan and Margaret Spanish A New Tool for Qualitative Research Focus Groups - David Morgan Focus Group Methodology - Sue Wilkinson A Review The Validity and Reliability of Focus Groups as a Research Method in Adult Education - Nicoleta Chioncel et al Terminology and Typology The Group-Depth Interview - Alfred Goldman The Group Interview in Social Research - James Frey and Andrea Fontana A Rose by Any Other Name May Smell as Sweet but 'Group Discussion' Is not Another Name for a 'Focus Group' nor Should It Be - Clive Boddy Historical Context The Group Interview - Emory Bogardus The Focused Interview - Robert Merton and Patricia Kendall The Focused Interview and Focus Groups - Robert Merton Continuities and Discontinuities Conducting Focus Group Sessions - Evelyn Folch-Lyon and John Trost Making Sense of Focus Groups - Rosaline Barbour The Secret Life of Focus Groups - Raymond Lee Robert Merton and the Diffusion of a Research Method Research Applications 'It's Good to Talk' - Alan Johnson The Focus Group and the Sociological Imagination Focus Groups - George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis Strategic Articulations of Pedagogy, Politics and Inquiry Strengths and Limitations The Learning Curve - Ian Mansell et al The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Use of Focus Groups as a Method of Data Collection The Focus Group Interview - Debbie Ho Rising to the Challenge in Qualitative Research Methodology Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks Focus Groups and the Nature of Qualitative Marketing Research - Bobby Calder Theorizing Subjects and Subject Matter in Focus Group Research - Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Anne Kerr and Stephen Pavis
VOLUME TWO PART TWO: BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND LITERATURE REVIEWS 'Best Practice' in Focus Group Research - Tim Freeman Making Sense of Different Views A Review of the Use and Potential of Focus Groups in Social Work Research - Donald Linhorst The Analysis of Focus Groups in Published Research Articles - Geoffrey Wiggins Qualitative Sample Extensiveness in Health Education Research - Rachel Safman and Jeffery Sobal Group Interviews in Primary Care Research - Peter Twohig and Wayne Putnam Advancing the State of the Art or Ritualized Research? Literature Review - Elizabeth Halcomb et al Considerations in Undertaking Focus Group Research with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Groups PART THREE: GENERAL METHODOLOGY Assessing Educational Effectiveness - Linda Costigan Lederman The Focus Group Interview as a Technique for Data Collection Collecting and Analyzing Qualitative Data - Julius Sim Issues Raised by the Focus Group Focus Group Method and Methodology - Andrew Parker and Jonathan Tritter Current Practice and Recent Debate Focus Groups and Methodological Reflections - Jonathan Woodring et al Conscientious Flexibility in the Field Using Focus Groups to Facilitate Culturally Anchored Research - Diane Hughes and Kimberly DuMont Multicultural Issues in Qualitative Research - Jeffrey Nevid and Nelly Sta. Maria Conducting Effective Focus Groups in the Context of Diversity - Janice Dreachslin Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Implications PART FOUR: SPECIFIC METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES Planning The Design and Analysis of Focus Group Studies - John Knodel A Practical Approach Sampling and Recruiting Participants Planning and Recruiting the Sample for Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews - Colin MacDougall and Elizabeth Fudge Group Composition, Group Size and Number of Groups Crossing Multidisciplinary Divides - Emma Clavering and Janice McLaughlin Exploring Professional Hierarchies and Boundaries in Focus Groups The Use of Focus Groups for Idea Generation - Edward Fern The Effects of Group Size, Acquaintanceship and Moderator on Response Quantity and Quality How Acquaintanceship and Analyst Can Influence Focus Group Results - James Nelson and Nancy Frontczak Small Is Not too Small - Jean Toner Reflections Concerning the Validity of Very Small Focus Groups (VSFGs) Question Design and Interview Schedule Construction Asking Elaborate Questions - Claudia Puchta and Jonathan Potter Focus Groups and the Management of Spontaneity Moderating Manufacturing Individual Opinions - Claudia Puchta and Jonathan Potter Market Research Focus Groups and the Discursive Psychology of Evaluation A Market of Opinions - Javier Lezaun The Political Epistemology of Focus Groups Using and Analyzing Focus Groups - Janet Smithson Limitations and Possibilities Interviewing the Moderator - Janine Morgall Traulsen, Anna Birna Almarsdottir and Ingunn Bjornsdottir An Ancillary Method to Focus Groups
VOLUME THREE Analyzing the Data Getting the Focus and the Group - Pamela Kidd and Mark Parshall Enhancing Analytical Rigor in Focus Group Research Video Review - Marla Clayman et al An Alternative to Coding Transcripts of Focus Groups Focus Groups in Feminist Research - Sue Wilkinson Power, Interaction and the Co-Construction of Meaning What about Focus Group Interaction Data? - Wendy Duggleby 'It Was Fun... but We Don't Usually Talk about These Things' - Deborah Warr Analyzing Sociable Interaction in Focus Groups Maximizing Results with Focus Groups - Dianne Morrison-Beedy, Denise Cote-Arsenault and Nancy Fischbeck Feinstein Moderator and Analysis Issues Who's Talking - Lars-Christer Hyden and Paul B low Drawing Conclusions from Focus Groups - Some Methodological Considerations Focus Groups and Ethnography - Michael Agar and James MacDonald Just Say No? The Use of Conversation Analysis in Developing a Feminist Perspective on Sexual Refusal - Celia Kitzinger and Hannah Frith Reporting Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) - Allison Tong, Peter Sainsbury and Jonathan Craig A 32-Item Checklist for Interviews and Focus Groups Validity Focus Group Research - Roxanne McDaniel and Carole Ann Bach The Question of Scientific Rigor Focus Groups in Psychological Assessment - Dawne Vogt, Daniel King and Lynda King Enhancing Content Validity by Consulting Members of the Target Population Analyzing Interactional Contexts in a Data-Sharing Focus Group - Jamie Murdoch, Fiona Poland and Charlotte Salter
PART FIVE: GROUP INTERACTION AND DYNAMICS Focusing on Sex - Hannah Frith Using Focus Groups in Sex Research Displaying Opinions - Greg Myers Topics and Disagreement in Focus Groups Focus Group Research and 'the Patient's View' - Pascale Lehoux, Blake Poland and Genevieve DaudelinA Conceptual Overview of the Self-Presentational Concerns and Response Tendencies of Focus Group Participants - David Wooten and Americus Reed II The Effects of Interaction on Consumers' Attitudes in Focus Groups - Terry Bristol and Edward Fern Focus Groups as Sites of Influential Interaction - Theodore Zorn et al Building Communicative Self-Efficacy and Effecting Attitudinal Change in Discussing Controversial Topics 'From the Heart of My Bottom' - Clare Wilkinson, Charlotte Rees and Lynn Knight Negotiating Humor in Focus Group Discussions The Social Contexts of Focus Groups - Jocelyn Hollander The Devil's Advocate - Colin MacDougall and Frances Baum A Strategy to Avoid Groupthink and Stimulate Discussion in Focus Groups The Methodology of Focus Groups - Jenny Kitzinger The Importance of Interaction between Research Participants
VOLUME FOUR PART SIX: TECHNOLOGICAL ALTERNATIVES Telephone Focus Groups Telephone Focus Groups - Crystale Purvis Cooper, Cynthia Jorgensen and Tracie Merritt An Emerging Method in Public Health Research Online Focus Groups Online Focus Groups - Ted Gaiser Online Focus Groups - Donna Reid and Fraser Reid An In-Depth Comparison of Computer-Mediated and Conventional Focus Group Discussions A Critical Comparison of Offline Focus Groups, Online Focus Groups and E-Delphi - Elisabeth Br ggen and Pieter Willems Researching Online Populations - Kate Stewart and Matthew Williams The Use of Online Focus Groups for Social Research Toward a Theory of Technique for Online Focus Groups - Albino Claudio Bosio, Guendalina Graffigna and Edoardo Lozza Using Message Boards to Conduct Online Focus Groups - David Deggs, Kenda Grover and Kit Kacirek
PART SEVEN: DISCUSSION ENHANCEMENT TECHNIQUES Vignettes Una Mujer Trabaja Doble Aqui - Michele Easter et al Vignette-Based Focus Groups on Stress and Work for Latina Blue-Collar Women in Eastern North Carolina Towards an Understanding of British Public Attitudes Concerning Human Cloning - Richard Shepherd et al Play-Acting and Focus Troupes - Steve Sato and Tony Salvador Theater Techniques for Creating Quick, Intense, Immersive and Engaging Focus Group Sessions Role-Playing The Indirect Approach of Semi-Focused Groups - Frederic Bill and Lena Olaison Expanding Focus Group Research through Role-Playing The Impact of Simulation on People Who Act as Simulated Patients - Lonneke Bokken, Jan van Dalen and Jan-Joost Rethans A Focus Group Study Storytelling Women's Stories - Clo Mingo, Carla Herman and Marla Jasperse Ethnic Variations in Women's Attitudes and Experiences of Menopause, Hysterectomy and Hormone Replacement Therapy Seeing the Person behind the Patient - Amanda Clarke, Elizabeth Jane Hanson and Helen Ross Enhancing the Care of Older People Using a Biographical Approach Drawing 'It Was Fun... I Liked Drawing My Thoughts' - Felice Yuen Using Drawings as a Part of the Focus Group Process with Children Repeat Receipts Repeat Receipts - Claudia Puchta, Jonathan Potter and Stephan Wolff A Device for Generating Visible Data in Market Research Focus Groups Poetic Transcription Nurturing Dialogic Hermeneutics and the Deliberative Capacities of Communities in Focus Groups - Melissa Freeman Concept Boards Concept Evaluation in Focus Groups - Radan Martinec Semantic Fields and Evaluative Strategies
PART EIGHT: ETHICAL ISSUES The Practical, Methodological and Ethical Dilemmas of Conducting Focus Groups with Vulnerable Clients - Sara Owen
PART NINE: FUTURE DIRECTIONS Future Directions for Focus Groups - David Morgan The Future of Focus Groups - Richard Krueger

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