TY - BOOK TI - The media studies reader SN - 9780415801256 U1 - 302.23 PY - 2013/// CY - New York PB - Routledge N1 - SECTION I MEDIA/CULTURE 1. "The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer 2. "Mass-Produced Fantasies lor Women" Tania Mbdleski 3. "Popular Culture: This Ain't No Sideshow" George Lipsilz 4. "Eyes Wide Shut: Capitalism. Class, and the Promise of Black Media" Berelta Smith-Shomade 5. "Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy" Arjun Appadurai 6. "The Practice ol Everyday (Media) Life: From Mass Consumption to Mass Cultural Production" Lev Munovich SECTION II MEDIA/TECHNOLOGY 7 "The Turn Within: The Ironv ol Technology in a Globalized World" Susan./ Douglas 8 I Work ot Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" 'ler Benjamin 9. "Reading Music. Reading Records. Reading Race: Musical Copyright and the US- Copyright Act of 1909" Lisa Gnelman 10, "The Domestic Economy of Television Viewing in Postwar America" Lynn Spigel 11, "From Screen to Site" Anna McCarthy 12, "The Mobile Phone; Towards New Categories and Social Relations" Leopoldina Fortunaii SECTION III MEDIA/REPRESENTATION 13, "The Work of Representation" Stuart Hall 14, "Ways of Seeing" John Berger n 15, "Stereotype, Realism, and the Struggle over Representation" Ella Shohat and Robert Stam 16, "Soft-Soaping Empire: Commodity Racism and Impenal Advertising" Anne McLintock 17, "The Promotional Condition of Contemporary Culture" Andrew Wernick 18, "Liveness, 'Reality.' and the Mediated Habitus from Television to the Mobile Phone" Nick Couldry SECTION IV MEDIA/INDUSTRY 19, "The Corporation and the Production of Culture" Herbert Schiller 20 "On Edge: Culture Industries in the Neo-Network Era" Michael Curtin 21 "When Creators. Corporations and Consumers Collide Napstet and the Development ot On-line Music Distribution" '■ " 'f n ./. n. I'i ""[ he C'uluii.il aiul Poliiii al lu nnoiuii's nl \ Ivbrui \U-clia Ibxis" K''t!hiv 2'i "Riniav.MV I'roiiui tion. Kunawav (."niiMirjipiinn. Kuna'.vav Ciliri'iis^iip 'I'hi* Mt'V." Iiin-iriijlioihd DiVL.iufi ot L'ullia.il l.alu>t" /ii/iv Mdlrr athi Miinf Chi'ji-1fX''"'' 2A "Fri'f' I .ahor FkkIuciiii: Culture toi the I'^ik'.iial I'Voneniv" I'crrijnovii SECTION V IWEDIA/IDENTITY 2r) "Wlio Need:. 'Ifletiinv"''" Snu:r[ / fa!/ 26 "Uiulei We;:iem Fves Mrdia. luiipiie and Other ness" David Morlcv ami Kevin Rohhins 27 "What's Your Plava Race and Posifeminisnt in Media Culture" Sarah Rancl-Wciscr 28. "Oh Behave! Austin Powers and the r)ia,i; Kinds'" Judtlh I faihcrsla/n 29. "Trash. Class, and Cultural Hierarchy" Laura Grindstaff 30. "The Promotion and Presentation ol the Sell Celehntv as Marker ol Presentational Media" P David Marshal! SECTION VI MEDIA/AUDIENCE 31 . "On the Polit ics ol Hmpiiical Audience Research" fen An^i 32 "Is I'here a Fan in the I louse'' 'I'he Atfective Sensihiliiv ol Fandorn Lawrence Crossher^ A.i I he 0{)posilional < ia/e Black f emale Spet talon." '«'// h'" iks M Arrias-anv: the Mnlliiude KeviMlrne I '!'•' h 35. "The Work ot Being Watched: Interactive Media and the Exploitation of Seit-Disclo.sure" Mark Andrcjcvic 36. "Japanese Media Mixes and Amateur Cultural Exchange" Mtzuko ho SECTION VII MEDIA/CITIZENSHIP 37. "Mediating Democracy" Peter Dahlgren 38. "Popular Media as Public 'Sphericules' lor Diasporic Communities Stuart Cunningham 39. "A Cultural Approach to the Study ol' Mediated Citi/.en.ship ■Jeffrey P .Jones 40. "The Theory of Infantile Citizenship Lauren Berlant 41. "Makeover Television. Governmentality and the Good Citizen Laurie Ouellette and James Jday 42. "Citizenship. Diversity. Law and Ugly Betty" Hector Amaya Permissions Jndex ER -