Sociological Methodology (Volume 30, 2000)/ Sobel,Michael E. [ed.] - 30 - Washington: Wiley-Blackwell, 2000. - 325

1. Regression Analysis of Multivariate Binary Response
Variables Using Rasch-Type Models and
Finite-Mixture Methods
Gerhard A nninger, Clifford C. Clogg
and Tzuwei Cheng
2. Random-Effects Modeling of Categorical Response Data
AianAgresti, James 0. Booth, James P. Hohert,
and Brian Caffo
3. Log-Multiplicative Association Models as Latent
Variable Models for Nominal and/or Ordinal Data
Carolyn J. Anderson and Jeroen K. Vermunt
4. Algebraic Representations of Beliefs and Attitudes II:
Microbelief Models for Dichotomous Belief Data
John Levi Martin and James A. Wiley
5. Three Likelihood-based Methods for Mean and Covariance
Structure Analysis with Nonnormal Missing Data
Ke-Hai Yuan and Peter M. Bentler
6. Discrete-Time Multilevel Hazard Analysis
Jennifer S. Barber, Susan A. Murphy,
William G. Axinn, and Jerry Maples
7. Systemic Patterns of Zero Exposures in Event-History
Jan M. Hoem
8. The Self as a Fuzzy Set of Roles, Role Theory as a Fuzzy
James D. Montgomery


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