Statistics in the Law/ Kadane, Joseph B. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. - xiii, 453 p.

Part 1 What's It Like to Be an Expert Witness?
A. Pioneers
1 Damned Liars and Expert Witnesses
Paul Meier
2 Statisticians, Econometricians, and Adversary Proceedings
Franklin M. Fisher .
B. A Very Brief Introduction to U.S. Law, and to the Role of
Expert Witnesses
C. Qualifications and Responsihilities of the Expert Witness
1 Epidemiologic Evidence in the Silicone Breast Implant Cases
Michael O. Finkeistein and Bruce Levin
2 Frye v. United States
3 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals
4 Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael
D. Ethical Lssues in Being an Expert Witness
Joseph B. Kadane
E. Panitz v. Behrend
Part 2 Discrimination
A. Discrimination in Employment
1 A Statistical Analysis of Adverse Impact of Employer Decisions
Joseph B. Kadane
2 Hierarchical Models for Employment Decisions
Joseph B. Kadane and George G. Woodworth
B. Driving While Black
1 State of New Jersey v. Soto
2 Missing Data in the Forensic Context
Joseph B. Kiuldiie (iiicl Nornui Terrin
3 Counting Cars in a Legal Case Involving DilTerentiai Enforcement
Noniui Terrin and Joseph B. Kadnne
4 Selected Highlights of the Interim Report of the State Police
Review Team Regarding Allegations of Racial Proliling
C. Racial Steering
1 Alleged Racial Steering in an Apartment Complex
Jason T. Connor and Joseph B. Kadane
Part 3 Jury Discrimination
A. Jury Representativeness
I Jury Representativeness; A Mandate for Multiple Source Lists
David Kairys. Joseph B. Kadane, and John P. Lehoezky
B. Juries in Death Penalty Cases
1 Juries Hearing Death Penalty Cases: Statistical Analysis ol
a Legal Procedure
Joseph B. Kadane
2 Lockhart v. McCree
3 Anatomy of a Jury Challenge
Joseph B. Kadane
4 A/ania v. State of Indiana
Part 4 Other Adventures
A. Electronic Draw Poker
1 Does Electronic Draw Poker Require Skill to Play?
Joseph B. Kadane
2 Comment
John Lehoezky
3 Rejoinder
Joseph B. Kadane
4 Chance and Skill in Games: Electronic Draw Poker
More J. Ware and Joseph B. Kadane
B. Cheating on Examinations
1 An Allegation of Examination Copying
Joseph B. Kadane
C. Tax Audits
1 Statistical Sampling in Tax Audits
Joseph C. Brifihl. Jr.. Joseph B. Kadane. and Daniel S. Nasin
D. Vote Tampering
I Vote Tampering in a District Justice Election in Beaver County. PA
Ilaria DiMatteo and Joseph B. Kadane
E. Civil Incarceration of Violent Sexual Offenders
1 Expert Testimony Supporting Post-Sentence Civil
incarceration of Violent Sexual Offenders
George G. Wooclworth and Joseph B. Kadcine
F. Patent Misconduct
I Crossing Lines in a Patent Case
Joseph B. Kadoiie
Part 5 English Law
A. A Very Brief Introduction to English Law
B. Criminal Convictions and Statistical Independence
1 Reflections on the Cot Death Cases
Ray Hill
2 R V. Sally Clark
3 The People v. Collins
C. Presenting Bayesian Analysis to the Jury
1 Appealing Statistics
Peter Donnelly
2 R V. Adams
3 Denis John Adams, R v. EWCA

9780195309232 (alk. paper)

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