Cis-trans isomerization in biochemistry/ Dugave,Chridtophe [ed.] - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2006. - 354

I. Preface 1. Nomenclature (C. Dugave) 2. General Mechnanisms of Cis-Trans Isomerization (C. Dugave) 3. Mechanisms of Cis-Trans Isomerization araound the Carbon-Carbon Double Bonds via the Triplet State (Y. Koyoma, Y. Kakitani, H. Nagae) 4. Retinal Binding Proteins (I. Kandori) 5. Non-Retinal Chromophoric Proteins (M. Zimmer) 6. Fatty Acids and Phospholipids (C. Chatgilialoglu,â C. Ferreri) 7. In Silico Dynamic Studies of CTI in Organic and Biological Systems (U. Rohrig, I. Tavernelli, U. Rothlisbergerâ ) 8. Chemical Aspects of the Restricted Rotation of Amide and Analogs (C. Dugave) 9. Amide Cis-Trans Isomerization in Peptides and Proteins (S. Wawra, G. Fischer) 10. Enzymes Catalyzing Cis-Trans Isomerization (G. Fischer) 11. Tailoring the Cis-Trans Isomerization of Amides (M. Mutter, L. Moroder) 12. PPIases: New Targets for Novel Therapeutics? (C. Dugave) 13. Other Cis-Trans Isomerisms in Peptides and Proteins (M. Gondry, C. Dugave) 14. Cis-Trans Isomerism in Metal Complexes (A. A. Batista)


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