Visions of culture/ an introduction to anthropological theories and theorists Moore,Jerry D. - 4th ed - Lanham, Md: AltaMira Press, 2012. - xv, 359 p

Acknowledgments --
Introduction: What's the point? --
Part 1: Founders: --
1: Edward Tylor: Evolution of culture --
2: Lewis Henry Morgan: Evolution of society --
3: Franz Boas: Culture in context --
4: Emile Durkheim: Organic society --
Part 2: Nature Of Culture: --
5: Alfred Kroeber: Configurations of culture --
6: Ruth Benedict: Patterns of culture --
7: Edward Sapir: Culture, language, and the individual --
8: Margaret Mead: Individual and culture --
Part 3: Nature Of Society: --
9: Marcel Mauss: Elemental categories, total facts --
10: Bronislaw Malinowski: Functions of culture --
11: A R Radcliffe-Brown: Structures of society --
12: Edward Evans-Pritchard: Social anthropology, social history --
Part 4: Evolutionary, Adaptationist, And Materialist Theories: --
13: Leslie White: Evolution emergent --
14: Julian Steward: Cultural ecology and multilinear evolution --
15: Marvin Harris: Cultural materialism --
16: Eleanor Burke Leacock: Feminism, Marxism, and history --
Part 5: Structures, Symbols, And Meaning: --
17: Claude Levi-Strauss: Structuralism --
18: Victor Turner: Symbols, pilgrims, and drama --
19: Clifford Geertz: Interpretive anthropology --
20: Mary Douglas: Symbols and structures, pollution and purity --
Part 6: Structures, Practice, Agency, Power: --
21: James Fernandez: Play of tropes --
22: Sherry Ortner: Symbols, gender, practice --
23: Pierre Bourdieu: Anthropology of practice --
24: Eric Wolf: Culture, history, power --
25: Marshall Sahlins: Culture matters --
Postscript: Current controversies --
Index --
About the author.


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