Landscape,process and power/ re-evaluating traditional environmental knowledge Hecker,Serena - - New Yoek: Berhahn books, 2009. - 289

List of figures, maps and tables List of contributors Preface Roy Ellen PART I: THE CURRENT STATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE RESEARCH Introduction Serena Heckler Chapter 1. A genealogy of scientific representations of indigenous knowledge Stanford Zent PART II: ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE AND POWER Chapter 2. The cultural and economic globalisation of traditional environmental knowledge systems Miguel Alexiades Chapter 3. Competing and coexisting with cormorants: Ambiguity and change in European wetlands David N. Carss and Mariella Marzano Chapter 4. Pathways to developmen: Identity, landscape & industry in Papua New Guinea Emma Gilberthorpe PART III: PROCESS IN ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE Chapter 5. How do they see it? Traditional resource management, disturbance and biodiversity conservation in Papua New Guinea William Thomas Chapter 6. Wild plants as agricultural indicators: Linking Ethnobotany with traditional ecological knowledge Takeshi Fujimoto Chapter 7. How does migration affect ethnobotanical knowledge and social organisation in a west Papuan village? Manuel Boissiere PART IV: LANDSCAPE AND ENVIRONMENTAL KNOWLEDGE Chapter 8. Reproduction and development of expertise within communities of practice: A case study of fishing activities in south Buton Daniel Vermonden Chapter 9. Review of an attempt to apply the carrying capacity concept in the New Guinea highlands: Cultural practice disconcerts ecological expectation Paul Sillitoe Chapter 10. Managing the Gabra Oromo commons of Kenya, past and present Aneesa Kassam and Francis Chachu Ganya Notes on contributors Index


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