Social Issues/ human trafficking, rights of migrant workers and their education Mukherjee, Manju Mohan [ed.] - 1st ed. - New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2012. - xi,282p.

\/ Social Work Intervention in Human Trafficking
and Protection of Workers Right
-D. Mahapatra.
Social Work Intervention in Human Trafficking
and Protection of Workers Right
-Surendra Singh.
Human Trafficking: The Most Profitable
Criminal Activities
-Manju Mohan Mukherjee
Hazardous Child Workers Including Trafficked
Children in Bangladesh
-Muhammad Samad
Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking
Among PLWHA Through the Greater Involvement
of the Person Living with HIV/AIDS
-Nermalendu Matty.
6'. Mental Health Issues Among Female Clients of
Domestic Violence Attending a Tertiary Care
Unit in a Developing Country
-K.S. Latha..
7. The Frequency of Contextual Factors in Patients
Attending a Tertiary Care Centre
-Ashok B. and K.S. Latha..
8. Work-Family Interface: An Analysis of Women
Employees of a Public Sector Undertaking
~]athanna Roopalekha and K.S. Latha.
9. Self Flelp Group for the Socio-Economic
Development of Commercial Sex Workers:
A Study
-Partha Sarathi Mondal and Sujit Kr. Paul.
10. The Knowledge and Opinion of HIV/AIDS
Among Adolescents in the City of Mangalore
-J.C. Chandy.
11. Reintegration of Mentally 111 Persons into
Society: Strengthing Social Network
-Saswati Chakraborty..
12. Family Violence and Substance Abuse and Its
Correlation; An Analysis
—Ashok B. and K.S. Latha.
13. A Study on the Sexual Practice and HIV/AIDS
Awareness Among Alcohol Dependents
-Francis Moothedan
14. Drug Addiction: A Human Tragedy
-Arun Misra..
15. Perceived Social Support Among Family
Members of Mentally 111 Patients
-Sampa Sinha, Masroor Jahan and AN Varma ...
16. Discrimination and Stigmatization in Spouses of
AIDS Infected Husband: A Human Rights'
Issue—A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study
-K.S. Latha and Mimi John.
17. Workers Education—Family Welfare Prevention
-T. Kalyani..
18. Workers Education—Organization Building
-M.R. Deshpandye.
19. Carpet Industry—Origin, Problems and Role of
Central Board for Workers Education
-Alok Kumar Srivastava
20. Workers Education and Human Empowerment
-Sanjay Kumar.
21. Workers Education—Developing Scientific
Attitude of Rural Mass
-RM. Deb.
22. HRD Intervention Strategy in Unorganized
Sector—An Experience with Central Board for
Workers' Education
-Tarun Bikash Sukai.
23. Workers Education and Youth Development
-H.R. Shankara Lingegowda.
24. Workers Education and Plantation Labour:
A Study in North East India
-K.R. Sharma.
25. Workers Education and Social Equality
-S.A. Na/ee
26. Working with Marginalized Communities for
Life Skills Pre and Primary Eucation
-Kristy Milward..


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