One-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR spectra by modern pulse techniques/ edited by Koji Nakanishi - Tokyo: Kodansha, 1990. - 234p.

Part I One-dimensional FT-NMR
t 'H-NMR Spectra of a-Santonin at 100 and
2 'H-NMR Spectrum of Acetoxypachydiol
Dibenzoate at 90 MHz
3 'H-NMR of Methyl 9,12-Octadecadienoate
(with Shift Reagent)
4 Spin Decoupling Difference Spectrum
5 Spin Decoupling Difference Spectrum of
6 Spin Decoupling Difference Spectrum of Cholic
Spin Decoupling Difference Spectrum of Mosesin-
2 NOE Difference Spectrum ofiS-Ionone
4 NOE Difference Spectrum of Crenulacetal A
to NOE Difference Spectrum of 20-Hydroxyecdysone
tt NOE Difference Spectrum of Striatene
t2 NOE Difference Spectrum of Ailanthone
i3 Spectrum of Bassianolide Saturation Transfer
t4 SPT (Selective Population Transfer) of

SPT Spectrum of Aspartic Acid
16 Broadband Proton Decoupling Spectrum

Off-resonance Proton Decoupling Spectrum

Off-resonance Proton Decoupling Spectrum of
Gated Proton Irradiation Spectrum of
/9-on one ('H-'^C Spin-spin Couplings)
Inverse Gated Proton Decoupling Spectrum of
Selective Proton Decoupling Spectrum of
LSPD Spectrum of^-lonone
LSPD Spectrum of Salvilenone
INEPT Spectrum of^-lonone
DEPT Spectrum of/3-lonone
DEPT Spectrum of Compactin
INEPT and DEPT Without Decoupling of

Tx (Longitudinal Relaxation/Spin-lattice Relaxa

Tx of Cholesteryl Acetate
Removal of Huge Signals(WEFT and Presaturation Methods)
1-3-3-1 and Spectrum of Sucrose
Two-dimensional FT-NMR
y-Resolved Spectrum of a-Santonin
y-Resolved Spectrum of Mugineic Acid
y-Resolved Spectrum of Semburin
y-Resolved Spectrum of Trichilin-A
Heteronuclear-Resolved Spectrum
7437 COSY Spectrum of Ethyl Acetate 76 65
33 COSY Spectrum of-Ionone 78
39 COSY Spectrum ofCompactin (I) 80 66
40 COSY Spectrum ofCompactin (II) 82 67
4f COSY Spectrum ofChromazonarol (I) 84
42 COSY Spectrum ofCJiromazonarol (II) 86 63
43 COSY Spectrum ofChromazonarol (III) 88 69
44 COSY Spectrum ofChromazonarol(IV) 90 70
45 COSY Spectrum ofAlbocycline 92 7t
46 COSY Spectrum ofAdenanthin 94 72
47 COSY Spectrum ofAphanamol-I 96 73
43 COSY Spectrum Emphasizing Long-range
Coupling (Aphanamol-l) 98 74
49 COSY-45 Spectrum 100
50 COSY-45 Spectrum ofAphanamol-I 102 75
5f Phase-sensitive DQF-COSY Spectrum of
L-Aspartic Acid (I) 104 76
52 Phase-sensitive DQF-COSY Spectrum of
L-Aspartic Acid (ll) 106 77
53 Phase-sensitive DQF-COSY Spectrum of
Chromazonarol (l) 108
54 Phase-sensitive DQF-COSY Spectrum of 79
Chromazonarol (ll) 110 30
55 HO AHA Spectrum of gramicidin S 112
56 HOHAHA Spectrum of Brevetoxin A (l) 114 3f
57 HOHAHA Spectrum of Brevetoxin A (II) 116 32
53 NOESY Spectrum of^-lonone 118
59 NOESY Spectrum of Ailanthone 120 33
60 NOESY Spectrum ofAphanamol-I 122 34
6f NOESY Spectrum of Chromazonarol 124 35
62 Phase-sensitive NOESY Spectrum Ailanthone 36
(I) 126 37
63 Phase-sensitive NOESY Spectrum of Ailanthone 33
(II) 128 39
64 Phase-sensitive NOESY Spectrum of
Gramicidin S 130 90
Phase-sensitive NOESY Spectrum of
DNA 12-mer J32
Phase-sensitive NOESY Spectrum of Bassanolide 134
H,C-COSY Spectrum of-Menthol 140
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Compactin (I) 142
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Compactin (II) 144
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Aphzmamol-I 146
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Metasequoia Acid A
(I) 148
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Metasequoia Acid A
(n) 150
H,C-COSY Spectrum of Methyl 2,3,
5-tri-O-acetyl-^-D-ribofuranoside (II) 154
H,P-COSY Spectrum of Lipid A 156
Phase-sensitive H,C-COSY Spectrum of
Strychnine 158
HMQC Spectrum of Strychnine 160
Long-range H,C-COSY Spectrum of-lonone 162
COLOC Spectrum of Dictyotalide B 164
Long-range H,C-COSY Spectrum of
Compactin 166
HMBC Spectrum of Strychnine 168
HMBC Spectrum of Cyanoviridin RR (I) 170
HMBC Spectrum of Cyanoviridin RR (II) 172
Relayed H,C-COSY of-Santonin 174
Relayed H,C-COSY/HOHAHA of a-Santonin 176


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