O'Brien, James A.

Management Information Systems: managing information technology in the business enterprise/ James A. O'Brien - 6th ed. - Boston: McGraw Hill, 2004. - xxix, 529p.

MODULE 1 Foundation Concepts
1 Foundations of Information Systems
in Business 3
Section I: Foundation Concepts: Information
Systems and Technologies 4
Section II: Foundation Concepts: Business
Applications, Development, and Management 17
Information Technologies
3 Data Resource Management 69
Section I: Managing Data Resources 70
Section II: Technical Foundations of Database
Management 84

Business Applications
5 Introduction to e-Business Systems 143
Section I: Functional Business Systems 141-
Section II: Cross-Functional Enterprise
Systems 161
6 Enterprise e-Business Systems 181
Section I: Customer Relationship Management:
The Business Focus 182
Section II: Enterprise Resource Planning: The
Business Backbone 192
Section III: Supply Chain Management; The
Business Network 201
2 Competing with Information
Technology 39
Section I: Fundamentals of Strategic Advantage 40
Section II: Using Information Technology for
Strategic Advantage 48
4 Telecommunications and Networks 101
Section I: The Networked Enterprise 102
Section II: Telecommunications Network
Alternatives 114
7 Electronic Commerce Systems 217
Section I: Electronic Commerce
Fundamentals 218
Section II: e-Commerce Applications and
Issues 231
8 Decision Support Systems 257
Section I: Decision Support in Business 258
Section II: Artificial Intelligence Technologies
in Business 281
MODULE IV Development Processes
9 Developing Business/IT Strategies 309
Section I: Planning Fundamentals 310
Section II: Implementation
Challenges 324
10 Developing Business/IT Solutions 341
Management Challenges
11 Security and Ethical Challenges 379
Section I: Security\', Ethical, and Societal
Challenges of IT 380
Section II: Security)' Management of Information
Technology 400
Section I: Developing Business Systems 342
Section II: Implementing Business Systems 358
12 Enterprise and Global Management of
Information Technology 421
Section I: .Managing Information Technology\^ 422
Section II: Managing Global
IT 436
M 0 DIJ L.
Review*^ of Hardware and Software
13 Computer Hardware 459
Section I; Computer Systems: End User and
Enterprise Computing 460
Section II: Computer Peripherals: Input, Output,
and Storage Technologies 472
Appendix: Real World Case Studies
Review Quiz Answers RQ-1
Selected References R-I
Glossary for Business Professionals
Name Index 1-3
Company Index 1-7
Subject Index I-ll
14 Computer Software 495
Section I: Application Software: End User


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