TY - BOOK TI - Ecology: concepts and applications SN - 9780073383224 U1 - 577 PY - 2009/// CY - Dubuque PB - McGraw-Hill N1 - Preface -- 1: Introduction to ecology: historical foundations and developing frontiers -- Overview of ecology -- Ecology of forest birds: old tools and new -- Forest canopy research: a physical and scientific frontier -- Climatic and ecological change: past and future -- Investigating the Evidence 1: Scientific method-questions and hypotheses -- Scope of ecology -- Section 1: Natural History And Evolution -- 2: Life on land -- Terrestrial biomes -- Concepts -- 2-1: Large-scale patterns of climatic variation -- Temperature, atmospheric circulation, and precipitation -- Climate diagrams -- Concept 2-1 Review -- 2-2: Soil: the foundation of terrestrial biomes -- Investigating the Evidence 2: Determining the sample mean -- Concept 2-2 Review -- 2-3: Natural history and geography of biomes -- Tropical rain forest -- Tropical dry forest -- Tropical savanna -- Desert -- Mediterranean woodland and shrubland -- Temperate grassland -- Temperate forest -- Boreal forest -- Tundra -- Mountains: islands in the sky -- Concept 2-3 review -- Applications: Climatic variation and the Palmer Drought Severity Index -- 3: Life in water -- Concepts -- 3-1: Hydrologic cycle -- Concept 3-1 Review -- 3-2: Natural history of aquatic environments -- Oceans -- Life in shallow marine waters: kelp forests and coral gardens -- Investigating the Evidence 3: Determining the sample median -- Marine shores: life between high and low tides -- Estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests -- Rivers and streams: life blood and pulse of the land -- Lakes: small seas -- Concept 3-2 Review -- Applications: Biological integrity-assessing the health of aquatic systems -- Number of species and species composition -- Trophic composition -- Fish abundance and condition -- Test -- 4: Population genetics and natural selection -- Concepts -- 4-1: Variation within populations -- Variation in a widely distributed plant -- Variation in alpine fish populations -- Concept 4-1 Review -- 4-2: Hardy-Weinberg -- Calculating gene frequencies -- Concept 4-2 Review -- 4-3: Process of natural selection -- Stabilizing selection -- Directional selection -- Disruptive selection -- Concept 4-3 Review -- 4-4: Evolution by natural selection -- Evolution by natural selection and genetic variation -- Investigating the Evidence 4: Variation in data -- Adaptive change in colonizing lizards -- Rapid adaption by soapberry bugs to new host plants -- Concept 4-4 Review -- 4-5: Change due to chance -- Evidence of genetic drift in Chihuahua spruce -- Genetic variation in island populations -- Genetic diversity and butterfly extinctions -- Concept 4-5 Review -- Applications: Evolution and agriculture -- Evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds. Section 2: Adaptations To The Environment -- 5: Temperature relations -- Concepts -- 5-1: Microclimates -- Altitude -- Aspect -- Vegetation -- Color of the ground -- Presence of boulders and burrows -- Aquatic temperatures -- Concept 5-1 Review -- 5-2: Temperature and performance of organisms -- Principle of allocation -- Temperature and animal performance -- Investigating the Evidence 5: Laboratory experiments -- Extreme temperatures and photosynthesis -- Temperature and microbial activity -- Concept 5-2 Review -- 5-3: Regulating body temperature -- Balancing heat gain against heat loss -- Temperature regulation by plants -- Temperature regulation by ectothermic animals -- Temperature regulation by endothermic animals -- Temperature regulation by thermogenic plants -- Concept 5-3 Review -- 5-4: Surviving extreme temperatures -- Inactivity -- Reducing metabolic rate -- Hibernation by a tropical species -- Concept 5-4 Review -- Applications: Climatic warming and the local extinction of a land snail -- 6: Water relations -- Concepts -- 6-1: Water availability -- Water content of air -- Water movement in aquatic environments -- Water movement between soils and plants -- Concept 6-1 Review -- 6-2: Water regulation on land -- Water acquisition by animals -- Water acquisition by plants -- Water conservation by plants and animals -- Investigating the Evidence 6: Sample size -- Dissimilar organisms with similar approaches to desert life -- Two arthropods with opposite approaches to desert life -- Concept 6-2 Review -- 6-3: Water and salt balance in aquatic environments -- Marine fish and invertebrates -- Freshwater fish and invertebrates -- Concept 6-3 Review -- Applications: Using stable isotopes to study water uptake by plants -- Stable isotope analysis -- Using stable isotopes to identify plant water sources -- 7: Energy and nutrient relations -- Concepts -- 7-1: Photosynthetic autotrophs -- Solar-powered biosphere -- Concept 7-1 Review -- 7-2: Chemosynthetic autotrophs -- Concept 7-2 Review -- 7-3: Heterotrophs -- Chemical compostition and nutrient requirements -- Concept 7-3 Review -- 7-4: Energy limitation -- Photon flux and photosynthetic response curves -- Food density and animal functional response -- Concept 7-4 Review -- 7-5: Optimal foraging theory -- Testing optimal foraging theory -- Optimal foraging by plants -- Investigating the Evidence 7: Scatter plots and the relationship between variables -- Concept 7-5 Review -- Applications: Bioremediation-using the trophic diversity of bacteria to solve environmental problems -- Leaking underground storage tanks -- Cyanide and nitrates in mine spoils -- 8: Social relations -- Concepts -- 8-1: Mate choice -- Mate choice and sexual selection in guppies -- Mate choice among scorpionflies -- Nonrandom mating among wild radish -- Concept 8-1 Review -- 8-2: Sociality -- Cooperative breeders -- Investigating the Evidence 8: Estimating heritability using regression analysis -- Concept 8-2 Review -- 8-3: Eusociality -- Eusocial species -- Evolution of eusociality -- Concept 8-3 Review -- Applications: Behavioral ecology and conservation -- Tinbergen's framework -- Environmental enrichment and development of behavior. Section 3: Population Ecology -- 9: Population distribution and abundance -- Concepts -- 9-1: Distribution limits -- Kangaroo distributions and climate -- Tiger beetle of cold climates -- Distributions of plants along a moisture-temperature gradient -- Distributions of barnacles along an intertidal exposure gradient -- Concept 9-1 Review -- 9-2: Patterns on small scales -- Scale, distributions, and mechanisms -- Distributions of tropical bee colonies -- Distributions of desert shrubs -- Concept 9-2 Review -- 9-3: Patterns on large scales -- Bird populations across North America -- Investigating the Evidence 9: Clumped, random, and regular distributions -- Plant distributions along moisture gradients -- Concept 9-3 Review -- 9-4: Organism size and population density -- Animal size and population density -- Plant size and population density -- Concept 9-4 Review -- Applications: Rarity and vulnerability to extinction seven forms of rarity and one of abundance -- 10: Population dynamics -- Concepts -- 10-1: Dispersal -- Dispersal of expanding populations -- Range changes in response to climate change -- Dispersal in response to changing food supply -- Dispersal in rivers and streams -- Concept 10-1 Review -- 10-2: Metapopulations -- Metapopulation of an Alpine butterfly -- Dispersal within a metapopulation of lesser kestrels -- Concept 10-2 Review -- 10-3: Patterns of survival -- Estimating patterns of survival -- High survival among the young -- Constant rates of survival -- High mortality among the young -- Three types of survivorship curves -- Concept 10-3 Review -- 10-4: Age distribution -- Contrasting tree populations -- Dynamic population in a variable climate -- Concept 10-4 Review -- 10-5: Rates of population change -- Estimating rates for an annual plant -- Estimating rates when generations overlap -- Concept 10-5 Review -- Investigating the Evidence 10: Hypotheses and statistical significance -- Applications: Using population dynamics to assess the impact of pollutants -- 11: Population growth -- Concepts -- 11-1: Geometric and exponential population growth -- Geometric growth -- Exponential growth -- Exponential growth in nature -- Concept 11-1 Review -- 11-2: Logistic population growth -- Concept 11-2 Review -- 11-3: Limits to population growth -- Environment and birth and death among Galapagos finches -- Investigating the Evidence 11: Frequency of alternative phenotypes in a population -- Concept 11-3 Review -- Applications: Human population -- Distribution and abundance -- Population dynamics -- Population growth -- 12: Life histories -- Concepts -- 12-1: Offspring number versus size -- Egg size and number in fish -- Seed size and number in plants -- Seed size and seedling performance -- Concept 12-1 Review -- 12-2: Adult survival and reproductive allocation -- Life history variation among species -- Life history variation within species -- Concept 12-2 Review -- 12-3: Life history classification -- r and K selection -- Investing the Evidence 12: Statistical test for distribution pattern -- Plant life histories -- Opportunistic, equilibrium, and periodic life histories -- Reproductive effort, offspring size, and benefit-cost ratios -- Concept 12-3 Review -- Applications: Using life history information to restore Riparian forests. Section 4: Interactions -- 13: Competition -- Concepts -- 13-1: Intraspecific competition -- Intraspecific competition among plants -- Intraspecific competition among planthoppers -- Interference competition among terrestrial isopods -- Concept 13-1 Review -- 13-2: Competitive exclusion and niches -- Feeding niches of Galapagos finches -- Habitat niche of a salt marsh grass -- Concept 13-2 Review -- 13-3: Mathematical and laboratory models -- Modeling interspecific competition -- Laboratory models of competition -- Concept 13-3 Review -- 13-4: Competition and niches -- Niches and competition among plants -- Niche overlap and competition between barnacles -- Competition and the habitat of a salt marsh grass -- Competition and the niches of small rodents -- Character displacement -- Investigating the Evidence 13: Field experiments -- Evidence for competition in nature -- Concept 13-4 Review -- Applications: Competition between native and invasive species -- 14: Exploitative interactions: predation, herbivory, parasitism, and disease -- Concepts -- 14-1: Complex interactions -- Parasites and pathogens that manipulate host behavior -- Entangling of exploitation with competition -- Concept 14-1 Review -- 14-2: Exploitation and abundance -- Herbivorous stream insect and its algal food -- Introduced cactus and a herbivorous moth -- Pathogenic parasite, a predator, and its prey -- Concept 14-2 Review -- 14-3: Dynamics -- Cycles of abundance in snowshoe hares and their predators -- Investigating the Evidence 14: Standard error of the mean -- Experimental test of food and predation impacts -- Population cycles in mathematical and laboratory models -- Concept 14-3 Review -- 14-4: Refuges -- Refuges and host persistence in laboratory and mathematical models -- Exploited organisms and their wide variety of "refuges" -- Concept 14-4 Review -- Applications: Using predators to control a parasite -- 15: Mutualism -- Concepts -- 15-1: Plant mutualisms -- Plant performance and mycorrhizal fungi -- Ants and swollen thorn acacias -- Temperate plant protection mutualism -- Concept 15-1 Review -- 15-2: Coral mutualisms -- Zooxanthellae and corals -- Coral protection mutualism -- Concept 15-2 Review -- 15-3: Evolution of mutualism -- Investigating the Evidence 15: Confidence intervals -- Facultative ant-plant protection mutualisms -- Concept 15-3 Review -- Applications: Mutualism and humans -- Guiding behavior -- Section 5: Communities And Ecosystems -- 16: Species abundance and diversity -- Concepts -- 16-1: Species abundance -- Lognormal distribution -- Concept 16-1 Review -- 16-2: Species diversity -- Quantitative index of species diversity -- Rank-abundance curves -- Concept 16-2 Review -- Investigating the Evidence 16: Estimating the number of species in communities -- 16-3: Environmental complexity -- Forest complexity and bird species diversity -- Niches, heterogeneity, and the diversity of algae and plants -- Niches of algae and terrestrial plants -- Complexity in plant environments -- Soil and topographic heterogeneity and the diversity of tropical forest trees -- Algal and plant species diversity and increased nutrient availability -- Nitrogen enrichment and ectomycorrhizal fungus diversity -- Concept 16-3 Review -- 16-4: Disturbance and diversity -- Nature of equilibrium -- Nature and sources of disturbance -- Intermediate disturbance hypothesis -- Disturbance and diversity in the intertidal zone -- Disturbance and diversity in temperate grasslands -- Concept 16-4 Review -- Applications: Disturbance by humans -- Disturbance by humans and the diversity of chalk grasslands -- 17: Species interactions and community structure -- Concepts -- 17-1: Community webs -- Detailed food webs reveal great complexity -- Strong interactions and food web structure -- Concept 17-1 Review -- 17-2: Indirect interactions -- Indirect commensalism -- Apparent competition -- Concept 17-2 Review -- 17-3: Keystone species -- Food web structure and species diversity -- Experimental removal of sea stars -- Snail effects on algal diversity -- Fish as keystone species in river food webs -- Investigating the Evidence 17: Using confidence intervals to compare populations -- Concept 17-3 Review -- 17-4: Mutualistic keystones -- Cleaner fish as a keystone species -- Seed dispersal mutualists as keystone species -- Concept 17-4 Review -- Applications: Human modification of food webs -- Empty forest: hunters and tropical rain forest animal communities -- Ants and agriculture: keystone predators for pest control -- 18: Primary production and energy flow -- Concepts -- 18-1: Patterns of terrestrial primary production -- Actual evaportranspiration and terrestrial primary production -- Soil fertility and terrestrial primary production -- Concept 18-1 Review -- 18-2: Patterns of aquatic primary production -- Patterns and models -- Whole lake experiments on primary production -- Global patterns of marine primary production -- Concept 18-2 Review -- 18-3: Consumer influences -- Piscivores, planktivores, and lake primary production -- Grazing by large mammals and primary production on the Serengeti -- Investigating the Evidence 18: Comparing two populations with the t-Test -- Concept 18-3 Review -- 18-4: Trophic levels -- Trophic dynamic view of ecosystems -- Energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest -- Concept 18-4 Review -- Applications: Using stable isotope analysis to trace energy flow through ecosystems -- Trophic levels of tropical river fish -- Using stable isotopes to identify sources of energy in a salt marsh -- Food habits of prehistoric human populations -- 19: Nutrient cycling and retention -- Concepts -- 19-1: Nutrient cycles -- Phosphorus cycle -- Nitrogen cycle -- Carbon cycle -- Concept 19-1 Review -- 19-2: Rates of decomposition -- Decomposition in two Mediterranean woodland ecosystems -- Decomposition in two temperate forest ecosystems -- Decomposition in aquatic ecosystems -- Investigating the Evidence 19: Assumptions for statistical tests -- Concept 19-2 Review -- 19-3: Organisms and nutrients -- Nutrient cycling in streams -- Animals and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems -- Plants and the nutrient dynamics of ecosystems -- Concept 19-3 Review -- 19-4: Disturbance and nutrients -- Disturbance and nutrient loss from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest -- Flooding and nutrient export by streams -- Concept 19-4 Review -- Applications: Altering aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. 20: Succession and stability -- Concepts -- 20-1: Community changes during succession -- Primary succession at Glacier Bay -- Secondary succession in temperate forests -- Succession in rocky intertidal communities -- Succession in stream communities -- Concept 20-1 Review -- 20-2: Ecosystem changes during succession -- Ecosystem changes at Glacier Bay -- Four million years of ecosystem change -- Recovery of nutrient retention following disturbance -- Succession and stream ecosystem properties -- Concept 20-2 Review -- 20-3: Mechanisms of succession -- Successional mechanisms in the rocky intertidal zone -- Successional mechanisms in forests -- Concept 20-3 Review -- 20-4: Community and ecosystem stability -- Some definitions -- Lessons from the park grass experiment -- Replicate disturbances and desert stream stability -- Investigating the Evidence 20: Variation around the median -- Concept 20-4 Review -- Applications: Using repeat photography to detect long-term change -- Section 6: Large-Scale Ecology -- 21: Landscape ecology -- Concepts -- 21-1: Landscape structure -- Structure of six landscapes in Ohio -- Fractal geometry of landscapes -- Concept 21-1 Review -- 21-2: Landscape processes -- Landscape structure and the dispersal of mammals -- Habitat patch size and isolation and the density of butterfly populations -- Habitat corridors and movement of organisms -- Landscape position and lake chemistry -- Investigating the Evidence 21: Comparison of two samples using a rank sum test -- Concept 21-2 Review -- 21-3: Origins of landscape structure and change -- Geological processes, climate, and landscape structure -- Organisms and landscape structure -- Fire and the structure of a Mediterranean landscape -- Concept 21-3 Review -- Applications: Restoring a riverine landscape -- Riverine restoration: The Kissimmee River -- 22: Geographic ecology -- Concepts -- 22-1: Area, isolation, and species richness -- Sampling area and number of species -- Island area and species richness -- Island isolation and species richness -- Concept 22-1 Review -- 22-2: Equilibrium model of island biogeography -- Species turnover on islands -- Experimental island biogeography -- Colonization of new islands by plants -- Manipulating island area -- Island biogeography update -- Concept 22-2 Review -- 22-3: Latitudinal gradients in species richness -- Area and latitudinal gradients in species richness -- Continental area and species richness -- Concept 22-3 Review -- 22-4: Historical and regional influences -- Exceptional patterns of diversity -- Investigating the Evidence 22: Sample size revisited -- Historical and regional explanations -- Concept 22-4 Review -- Applications: Global positioning systems, remote sensing, and geographic information systems -- Global positioning systems -- Remote sensing -- Geographic information systems -- 23: Global ecology -- Atmospheric envelope and the greenhouse earth -- Concepts -- 23-1: Global system -- Historical thread -- El Nino and La Nina -- El Nino and marine populations -- El Nino and the Great Salt Lake -- El Nino and terrestrial populations in Australia -- Concept 23-1 Review -- 23-2: Human activity and the global nitrogen cycle -- Concept 23-2 Review -- 23-3: Changes in land cover -- Tropical deforestation -- Investigating the Evidence 23: Discovering what's been discovered -- Concept 23-3 Review -- 23-4: Human influence on atmospheric composition -- Depletion and recovery of the ozone layer -- Future -- Concept 23-4 Review -- Applications: Cooperative research networks for global ecology -- Appendix: Statistical Tables -- Glossary -- References -- Credits -- Index ER -