Social transformation in Kashmir/ a study of emerging social characters Dabla,B.A. - New Delhi: Gyan publishing house, 2012. - 396

1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Social World of 30 Kashmiris;
K-1 The Folk Kashmiri - Urban
K-2 Academician and Administrator
K-3 Academician - Kashmiri Pandit
K-4 Scientists and Academician
K-5 Folk Kashmiri Woman - Urban
K-6 Urban-Educated Woman - Housewife
K-7 The Kashmiri Bureaucrat
K-8 Urban-Educated Working Woman
K-9 Small Businessman
K-10 Table-boy and Businessman
K-11 Lower Class Government Employee
K-12 The Kashmiri Youth: Rural-Urban
K-13 The Kashmiri Scientist
K-14 Political Ideologue and Politician
K-15 Educationist and Social Notable
K-16 The Kashmiri Youth: Rural-Sayyid
K-17 The Kashmiri Youth: Ex-Militant
K-18 Elder Kashmiri Intellectual
K-19 Professional Doctor - Lower Caste
K-20 Doctor from Middle Class
K-21 Fisher woman
K-22 Shikarawalla
K-23 Religious Ideologue: Rural-Sayyid
K-24 Professional Musician
K-25 Professional Journalist
K-26 Milk-sellers Woman
K-27 The Kashmiri Youth: Lower Caste-Class
K-28 The Kashmiri Engineer
K-29 The Political Activist
K-30 Young Advocate


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