Social security in the 21st.century/ Holmlund,Bertil [ed.] - 1st.ed. - UK: Blackwell pub., 2000. - 213

1 Economic and Social Security in the Twenty-first Century, with
Attention to Europe.
Jacques H. Dreze
2 Social Security Reform and National Wealth.
John Laitner
3 Adverse Selection in the Annuities Market and the Impact of
Privatizing Social Security.
Jan Walliser
4 The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions.
Salvador Vaides-Prieto
5 Pension Reform during the Demographic Transition. =
Hans Fehr
6 The Welfare State, Budgetary Pressure and Labour Market
Anthony B. Atkinson
1 Unskilled Migration: A Burden or a Boon for the Welfare State?
Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
8 Early Retirement and Economic Incentives.
Erik Hernaes, Marts Sollie and Steinar Strdm
9 The Political Economy of Social Security.
Georges Casamatta, Helmuth Cremer and Pierre Pestieau
10 A Positive Theory of Social Security.
Guido Tabeiiini


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