Fundamentals of nonlinear optics/ Powers, Peter E. - 1st ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2011. - 311 p.

Introduction Historical Background Unifying Themes Overview of Nonlinear Effects Covered in this Book Labeling Conventions and Terminology Units Linear Optics Introduction Tensor Properties of Materials Wave Equation Determining e-Waves and o-Waves in Crystals Index Ellipsoid Applications Introduction to the Nonlinear Susceptibility Introduction Classical Origin of the Nonlinearity Details of the Nonlinear Susceptibility, chi(2) Connection between Crystal Symmetry and the d-Matrix Electro-Optic Effect Three-Wave Processes in the Small-Signal Regime Introduction to the Wave Equation for Three Fields Birefringent Phase Matching Tuning Curves and Phase-Matching Tolerances Taylor Series Expansion Techniques for Determining Bandwidth Noncollinear Phase Matching Quasi-Phase Matching Introduction to Quasi-Phase Matching Linear and Nonlinear Material Considerations QPM with Periodic Structures QPM Calculation: An Example Fourier Transform Treatment of QPM Tolerances Fabricating Quasi-Phase-Matched Structures Three-Wave Mixing beyond the Small-Signal Limit Introduction DFG with a Single Strong Pump DFG with Strong Pump and Loss Solutions for All Three Coupled Amplitude Equations Spontaneous Parametric Scattering (Optical Parametric Generation) chi(2) Devices Introduction Optimizing Device Performance: Focusing Resonator Devices chi(3) Processes Introduction Nonlinear Polarization for chi(3) Processes Wave Equation for chi(3) Interactions Self-Induced Effects Parametric Amplifiers Noncollinear Processes Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Z -Scan Raman and Brillouin Scattering Introduction Spontaneous Raman Scattering Stimulated Raman Scattering Anti-Stokes Generation Raman Amplifiers Photoacoustic Effects: Raman-Nath Diffraction Brillouin Scattering Nonlinear Optics Including Diffraction and Dispersion Introduction Spatial Effects Temporal Effects Solutions to the Nonlinear Envelope Equation Appendix A: Complex Notation Appendix B: Sellmeier Equations Appendix C: Programming Techniques Appendix D: Exact Solutions to the Coupled Amplitude Equations Index Problems, References, and Further Reading appear at the end of most chapters.


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