Environmental chemistry/ Manahan, Stanley E. - 9th ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010. - 753 p.

The Environment and Sustainability Science From the Sun to Fossil Fuels and Back Again The Science of Sustainability Chemistry and the Environment Water, Air, Earth, Life, and Technology Ecology, Ecotoxicology, and the Biosphere Energy and Cycles of Energy Human Impact and Pollution Chemical Fate and Transport Chemical Fate and Transport in the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Geosphere Environmental Mischief and Terrorism Environmental Forensics Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Chemistry and the Anthrosphere: Environmental Chemistry and Green Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Matter and Cycles of Matter Anthrosphere and Environmental Chemistry Technology and the Anthrosphere Infrastructure Components of the Anthrosphere That Infl uence the Environment Effects of the Anthrosphere on Earth Integration of the Anthrosphere into the Total Environment Green Chemistry Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Fundamentals of Aquatic Chemistry Importance of Water Water from Molecules to Oceans Characteristics of Bodies of Water Aquatic Life Introduction to Aquatic Chemistry Gases in Water Water Acidity and Carbon Dioxide in Water Alkalinity Calcium and other Metals in Water Complexation and Chelation Bonding and Structure of Metal Complexes Calculations of Species Concentrations Complexation by Deprotonated Ligands Complexation by Protonated Ligands Solubilization of Lead Ion from Solids by NTA Polyphosphates and Phosphonates in Water Complexation by Humic Substances Complexation and Redox Processes Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Oxidation-Reduction in Aquatic Chemistry The Signifi cance of Oxidation-Reduction Electron and Redox Reactions Electron Activity and pE The Nernst Equation Reaction Tendency: Whole Reaction from Half-Reactions The Nernst Equation and Chemical Equilibrium The Relationship of pE to Free Energy Reactions in Terms of One Electron-Mole The Limits of pE in Water pE Values in Natural Water Systems pE-pH Diagrams Humic Substances as Natural Reductants Photochemical Processes in Oxidation-Reduction Corrosion Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Phase Interactions in Aquatic Chemistry Chemical Interactions Involving Solids, Gases, and Water Importance and Formation of Sediments Solubilities Colloidal Particles in Water Colloidal Properties of Clays Aggregation of Particles Surface Sorption by Solids Solute Exchange with Bottom Sediments Interstitial Water Phase Interactions in Chemical Fate and Transport Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Aquatic Microbial Biochemistry Aquatic Biochemical Processes Algae Fungi Protozoa Bacteria The Prokaryotic Bacterial Cell Kinetics of Bacterial Growth Bacterial Metabolism Microbial Transformations of Carbon Biodegradation of Organic Matter Microbial Transformations of Nitrogen Microbial Transformations of Phosphorus and Sulfur Microbial Transformations of Halogens and Organohalides Microbial Transformations of Metals and Metalloids Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Water Pollution Nature and Types of Water Pollutants Elemental Pollutants Heavy Metals Metalloids Organically Bound Metals and Metalloids Inorganic Species Algal Nutrients and Eutrophication Acidity, Alkalinity, and Salinity Oxygen, Oxidants, and Reductants Organic Pollutants Pesticides in Water Polychlorinated Biphenyls Emerging Water Pollutants, Pharmaceuticals, and Household Wastes Radionuclides in the Aquatic Environment Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Water Treatment Water Treatment and Water Use Municipal Water Treatment Treatment of Water for Industrial Use Sewage Treatment Industrial Wastewater Treatment Removal of Solids Removal of Calcium and Other Metals Removal of Dissolved Organics Removal of Dissolved Inorganics Sludge Water Disinfection Natural Water Purifi cation Processes Green Water Water Conservation Protecting Water Supplies from Attack Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry The Atmosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry Importance of the Atmosphere Physical Characteristics of the Atmosphere Energy Transfer in the Atmosphere Atmospheric Mass Transfer, Meteorology, and Weather Inversions and Air Pollution Global Climate and Microclimate Chemical and Photochemical Reactions in the Atmosphere Acid-Base Reactions in the Atmosphere Reactions of Atmospheric Oxygen Reactions of Atmospheric Nitrogen Atmospheric Water Influence of the Anthrosphere Chemical Fate and Transport in the Atmosphere Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Particles in the Atmosphere Particles in the Atmosphere Physical Behavior of Particles in the Atmosphere Physical Processes for Particle Formation Chemical Processes for Particle Formation The Composition of Inorganic Particles Toxic Metals in the Atmosphere Radioactive Particles The Composition of Organic Particles Effects of Particles Water as Particulate Matter Atmospheric Chemical Reactions Involving Particles Control of Particulate Emissions Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Gaseous Inorganic Air Pollutants Inorganic Pollutant Gases Production and Control of Carbon Monoxide Fate of Atmospheric CO Sulfur Dioxide Sources and the Sulfur Cycle Sulfur Dioxide Reactions in the Atmosphere Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmosphere Acid Rain Ammonia in the Atmosphere Fluorine, Chlorine, and their Gaseous Compounds Reduced Sulfur Gases Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions And Problems Organic Air Pollutants Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere Biogenic Organic Compounds Pollutant Hydrocarbons Carbonyl Compounds: Aldehydes and Ketones Miscellaneous Oxygen-Containing Compounds Organonitrogen Compounds Organohalide Compounds Organosulfur Compounds Organic Particulate Matter Hazardous Air Pollutants Organic Compounds Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Photochemical Smog Introduction Smog-Forming Emissions Smog-Forming Reactions of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere Overview of Smog Formation Mechanisms of Smog Formation Reactivity of Hydrocarbons Inorganic Products from Smog Effects of Smog Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems The Endangered Global Atmosphere Climate Change and Anthropogenic Effects Global Warming Green Science and Technology to Alleviate Global Warming Acid Rain Stratospheric Ozone Destruction Atmospheric Brown Clouds Atmospheric Damage by Photochemical Smog Nuclear Winter What Is to Be Done? Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems The Geosphere and Geochemistry Introduction The Nature of Solids in the Geosphere Physical Form of the Geosphere Internal Processes Sediments Clays Geochemistry Groundwater in the Geosphere Environmental Aspects of the Geosphere Earthquakes Volcanoes Surface Earth Movement Stream and River Phenomena Phenomena at the Land/Ocean Interface Phenomena at the Land/Atmosphere Interface Effects of Ice Effects of Human Activities Air Pollution and the Geosphere Water Pollution and the Geosphere Waste Disposal and the Geosphere Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Soil and Agricultural Environmental Chemistry Soil and Agriculture Nature and Composition of Soil Acid-Base and Ion-Exchange Reactions in Soils Macronutrients in Soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Soil Fertilizers Pollutants from Livestock Production Pesticides and their Residues in Soil Wastes and Pollutants in Soil Soil Loss and Degradation Saving the Land Genetic Engineering and Agriculture Green Chemistry and Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture and Health Protecting the Food Supply from Attack Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Green Chemistry and Industrial Ecology Changing the Bad Old Ways Green Chemistry Reduction of Risk: Hazard and Exposure Waste Prevention and Green Chemistry Green Chemistry and Synthetic Chemistry Feedstocks Reagents Stoichiometric and Catalytic Reagents Media and Solvents Enhancing Reactions Industrial Ecology The Five Major Components of an Industrial Ecosystem Industrial Metabolism Materials Flow and Recycling in an Industrial Ecosystem The Kalundborg Industrial Ecosystem Consideration of Environmental Impacts in Industrial Ecology Life Cycles: Expanding and Closing the Materials Loop Life-Cycle Assessment Consumable, Recyclable, and Service (Durable) Products Design for Environment Inherent Safety Industrial Ecology and Ecological Engineering Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Resources and Sustainable Materials Where to Get the Stuff We Need? Minerals in the Geosphere Extraction and Mining Metals Metal Resources and Industrial Ecology Nonmetal Mineral Resources Phosphates Sulfur Wood: A Major Renewable Resource Extending Resources through the Practice of Industrial Ecology Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Sustainable Energy: The Key to Everything Energy Problem Nature of Energy Sources of Energy Used in the Anthrosphere Energy Devices and Conversions Green Technology and Energy Conversion Efficiency Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Sources Petroleum and Natural Gas Coal Carbon Sequestration for Fossil Fuel Utilization Industrial Ecology for Energy and Chemicals Nuclear Energy Geothermal Energy The Sun: An Ideal, Renewable Energy Source Energy from Moving Air and Moving Water Biomass Energy Hydrogen as a Means to Store and Utilize Energy Combined Power Cycles A System of Industrial Ecology for Methane Production Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Nature, Sources, and Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes Introduction Classifi cation of Hazardous Substances and Wastes Sources of Wastes Flammable and Combustible Substances Reactive Substances Corrosive Substances Toxic Substances Physical Forms and Segregation of Wastes Environmental Chemistry of Hazardous Wastes Physical and Chemical Properties of Hazardous Wastes Transport, Effects, and Fates of Hazardous Wastes Hazardous Wastes and the Anthrosphere Hazardous Wastes in the Geosphere Hazardous Wastes in the Hydrosphere Hazardous Wastes in the Atmosphere Hazardous Wastes in the Biosphere Hazardous Substances in Terrorism Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Industrial Ecology for Waste Minimization, Utilization, and Treatment Introduction Waste Reduction and Minimization Recycling Physical Methods of Waste Treatment Chemical Treatment: An Overview Green Waste Treatment by Photolyis and Sonolysis Thermal Treatment Methods Biodegradation of Wastes Phytoremediation Land Treatment and Composting Preparation of Wastes for Disposal Ultimate Disposal of Wastes Leachate and Gas Emissions In Situ Treatment Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Environmental Biochemistry Biochemistry Biochemistry and the Cell Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Enzymes Nucleic Acids Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering Metabolic Processes Metabolism of Xenobiotic Compounds Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Toxicological Chemistry Introduction to Toxicology and Toxicological Chemistry Dose-Response Relationships Relative Toxicities Reversibility and Sensitivity Xenobiotic and Endogenous Substances Toxicological Chemistry Kinetic Phase and Dynamic Phase Teratogenesis, Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Effects On the Immune and Reproductive Systems Health Hazards Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Toxicological Chemistry of Chemical Substances Introduction Toxic Elements and Elemental Forms Toxic Inorganic Compounds Toxicology of Organic Compounds Toxic Natural Products Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater General Aspects of Environmental Chemical Analysis Classical Methods Spectrophotometric Methods Electrochemical Methods of Analysis Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Water Samples Automated Water Analyses Speciation Emerging Contaminants in Water Analysis Chiral Contaminants Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Analysis of Wastes and Solids Introduction Sample Digestion for Elemental Analysis Analyte Isolation for Organics Analysis Sample Cleanup Sample Preparation for VOCs Bioassay and Immunoassay Screening of Wastes Determination of Chelating Agents Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Analysis of the Atmosphere and Air Pollutants Atmospheric Monitoring Sampling Methods of Analysis Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxides Analysis of Oxidants Analysis of Carbon Monoxide Determination of Hydrocarbons and Organics Analysis of Particulate Matter Direct Spectrophotometric Analysis of Gaseous Air Pollutants Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Analysis of Biological Materials and Xenobiotics Introduction Indicators of Exposure to Xenobiotics Determination of Metals Determination of Nonmetals and Inorganic Compounds Determination of Parent Organic Compounds Measurement of Phase I And Phase II Reaction Products Determination of Adducts The Promise of Immunological Methods Literature Cited Supplementary References Questions and Problems Index


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