Kant/ a guide for the perplexed Seung, T.K. - London: Continuum, 2007. - xx, 198 p.

1. Theoretical reason (knowledge, experience, and science)
The transcendental aesthetic (space and time)
Transcendental idealism
The categories
The transcendental deduction
The schematism
A priori principles
The transcendental dialectic
2. Practical reason (ethics, politics, and religion)
Kant's ethical Platonism
The categorical imperative
Formal and substantive rationality
The existence of the categorical imperative
Rational autonomy and moral legislation
The dialectic of practical reason
Religion of practical reason
The immanent ideas
3. Beyond theory and practice (aesthetics, teleology,
and history)
The analytic of the beautiful
The analytic of the sublime
The dialectic of aesthetic judgement
Natural teleology
Natural teleology in human history


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