Beyond methodological nationalism/ research methodologies for cross-border studies Amelina, Anna [ed.] - New York: Routledge, 2012. - ix, 259 p

1. Methodological Predicaments of Cross-Border Studies Anna Amelina, Thomas Faist, Nina Glick Schiller and Devrimsel D. Nergiz Part I: Researching International Migration after Redefining Spatiality and Mobility 2. Transnationality, Migrants and Cities: A Comparative Approach Nina Glick Schiller 3. Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto Luin Goldring and Patricia Landolt 4. Overcoming Methodological Nationalism in Migration Research: Cases and Contexts in Multi-Level Comparisons Anja Weiss and Arnd-Michael Nohl Part II: Material, Culture and Ethnicity: Overcoming Pitfalls in Researching Globalization 5. Global Ethnography 2.0: From Methodological Nationalism to Methodological Materialism Zsuzsa Gille 6. Uncomfortable Antinomies: Going Beyond Methodological Nationalism in Social and Cultural Anthropology David Gellner 7. Approaching Indigenous Activism from the Ground Up: Experiences from Bangladesh Eva Gerharz Part III: Juxtapositions of Historiography after the Hegemony of the National 8. The Global, the Transnational, and the Subaltern: The Limits of History Beyond the National Paradigm Angelika Epple 9. Incorporating Comparisons in the Rift: Making Use of Cross-Place Events and Histories in Moments of World Historical Change Sandra Curtis Comstock 10. Interrogating Critiques of Methodological Nationalism: Propositions for New Methodologies Radhika Mongia Part IV: Conclusions 11. Transnational Social Spaces: Between Methodological Nationalism and Cosmo-Globalism Ludger Pries and Martin Seeliger 12. Concluding Remarks: Reconsidering Contexts and Units of Analysis Thomas Faist and Devrimsel D. Nergiz


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