Microfossils/ Armstrong, Howard A. - 2nd ed. - USA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. - vii,296p.

Preface. Part 1 Applied micropalaeontology. Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Micropalaeontology, evolution and biodiversity. Chapter 3 Microfossils in Stratigraphy. Chapter 4 Microfossils, stable isotopes and ocean-atmosphere history. Chapter 5 Microfossils as thermal metamorphic indicators. Part 2 The rise of the biosphere. Chapter 6 The origin of life and the Archean biosphere. Chapter 7 Emergence of eukaryotes to the Cambrian explosion. Chapter 8 Bacterial ecosystems and microbial sediments. Part 3 Organic walled microfossils. Chapter 9 Acritarchs and prasinophytes. Chapter 10 Dinoflagellates and Ebridians. Chapter 11 Chitinozoa. Chapter 12 Scolecodonts. Chapter 13 Spores and pollen. Part 4 Inorganic walled microfossils. Chapter 14 Calcareous nannoplankton: Coccolithophores and Discoasters. Chapter 15 Formainifera. Chapter 16 Radiozoa (Acantharia, Phaeodaria and Radiolaria) and Heliozoa. Chapter 17 Diatoms. Chapter 18 Silicoflagellates and Chrysophytes. Chapter 19 Ciliophora: Tintinnids and Calpionellids. Chapter 20 Ostracods. Chapter 21 Conodonts. Systematic Index. General Index.


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