Lind, K.

Organic Fruit Growing/ K. Lind - UK: CABI Publishing, 2003. - xiv, 281p.

1: Principles of organic fruit growing 2: General principles 3: Legal aspects 4: Conversion of a conventionally run production unit to organic fruit growing 5: Planning and setting up an organic production unit 6: Choice of site: ecological principles 7: Planting stock for an organic orchard 8: Planting systems in organic fruit production 9: Choice of rootstocks and cultivars in organic fruit production 10: Dessert apple production 11: Dessert pear production 12: Production of stone fruit (cherries and plums) 13: Organic production of small fruit 14: Cultural measures in organic fruit growing 15: Protection of the soil when using machinery 16: Care of the soil 17: Fertilizer application 18: Important organic fertilizers for fruit growing 19: Thinning in organic fruit growing 20: Growth-regulating measures in organic fruit growing 21: Plant protection 22: Principles and aims of organic plant protection 23: Encouraging biodiversity in orchards 24: Beneficials, or taking advantage of natural regulation 25: Major diseases and pests of pome fruit 26: Major diseases and pests of stone fruit 27: Major diseases and pests of strawberries 28: Major diseases and pests of raspberries 29: Major diseases and pests of blackberries 30: Major diseases and pests of bilberries 31: Pesticides 32: Processing 33: General requirements for fruit for processing 34: Production of fruit juices 35: Production of dried fruit 36: Production of jellies and jams 37: Production of vinegar 38: Labelling of products 39: Marketing of organic products 40: Analysis of the situation 41: Plans - goals - measures 42: Marketing strategy 43: Marketing instruments 44: Efficiency review


Organic farming.

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