Philipp, Gerhardt

Methods for General and Molecular Microbiology - 3rd ed. - Washington: ASM press, 2007. - 1059p.

Table of ContentsI. Morphology and UltrastructureIntroduction to Morphology and Ultrastructure, T. J. Beveridge, Editor1. Light Microscopy, R. G. E. Murray and Carl F. Robinow2. Sampling and Staining for Light Microscopy, Terry J. Beveridge, J. R. Lawrence, and Robert G. E. Murray3. Laser Scanning Microscopy, John R. Lawrence and T. R. Neu4. Electron Microscopy, Terry J. Beveridge, Dianne Moyles, and Bob Harris5. Computational Image Analysis and Reconstruction from Transmission Electron Micrographs, George Harauz6. Atomic Force Microscopy, Yves F. Dufrene7. Cell Fractionation, Susan F. Koval and G. Dennis Sprott8. Antigen-Antibody Reactions, Lucy M. Mutharia and Joseph S. LamII. GrowthIntroduction to Growth, John A. Breznak, Editor9. Growth Measurement, Arthur L. Koch10. Nutrition and Media, David Emerson, Jane Tang, Rosali J. Cote, and Robert L. Gherna11. Enrichment and Isolation, Andreas Teske, Herbert Cypionka, John G. Holt, and Noel R. Krieg12. Culture Techniques, Syed A. Hashsham13. Energetics, Stoichiometry, and Kinetics of Microbial Growth, Syed A. Hashsham and Sam W. Bauschke14. Physicochemical Factors in Growth, John A. Breznak and Ralph N. Costilow15. Phenotypic Characterization and the Principles of Comparative Systematics, Brian J. Tindall, Johannes Sikorski, Robert A. Smibert, and Noel R. Krieg16. General Methods to Investigate Microbial Symbioses, Todd A. Ciche and Shana K. GoffrediIII. MetabolismIntroduction to Metabolism, C. A. Reddy, Editor17. Physical Analysis and Purification Methods, Scott B. Mulrooney, Willis A. Wood, and J. Robert Paterek18. Chemical Analysis, Lacy Daniels, Richard S. Hanson, and Jane A. Phillips19. Enzymatic Activity, Robert P. Hausinger and Allen T. Phillips20. Permeability and Transport, Robert E. Marquis21. Bacterial Respiration, Robert P. Gunsalus, Gary Cecchini, and Imke Schroeder22. Carbohydrate Fermentations, R. Meganathan, Yamini Ranganathan, and C. A. Reddy23. Metabolism of Aromatic Compounds, Jerome J. Kukor, Boris Wawrik, and Gerben J. Zylstra24. Cellulases, Hemicellulases, and Pectinases, Michael E. Himmel, John O. Baker, William S. Adney, and Stephen R. Decker25. Lignin and Lignin-Modifying Enzymes, Carlos G. Dosoretz and C. A. ReddyIV. Molecular GeneticsIntroduction to Molecular Genetics, C. A. Reddy, EditorL. R. Snyder, Co-Editor 26. Similarity Analysis of DNAs, John L. Johnson and William B. Whitman27. Nucleic Acid Analysis, William Hendrickson and Donald Walthers28. Measuring Spontaneous Mutation, Patricia L. Foster29. Transposon Mutagenesis, Silvia Rossbach and Frans J. de Bruijn30. Plasmids, Marcelo E. Tolmasky, Luis A. Actis, Timothy J. Welch, and Jorge H. Crosa31. Gene Transfer in Gram-Negative Bacteria, Joseph E. Peters32. Gene Exchange in Gram-Positive Bacteria, Christopher J. Kristich, Christine E. Salomon, and Gary M. Dunny33. Genetics of Archaea, Kevin R. Sowers, Paul H. Blum, and Shiladitya DasSarma34. Genetic Manipulations Using Phages, Graham F. Hatfull, Debbie Jacobs-Sera, Michelle H. Larsen, and William R. Jacobs, Jr.V. Community and Genomic AnalysisIntroduction to Community and Genomic Analysis, Thomas M. Schmidt, Editor35. Characterization of Bacterial Genome Sequences by Similarity Searching, William R. Pearson36. Reconstructing and Interpreting Evolutionary Relationships, Christophe J. Douady and Camilla L. Nesbo37. Microbial Nucleotide Fingerprints in Nature, David M. Karl38. Construction of BAC and Fosmid Libraries from Naturally Occurring Microbial Populations, Edward F. DeLong39. Single Cell Identification by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization, Bernhard M. Fuchs, Jakob Pernthaler, and Rudolf Amann40. Measurement of rRNA Abundance by Hybridization with Oligodeoxynucleotide Probes, Daniel H. Buckley and Thomas M. Schmidt41. Analysis of Microbial Communities with Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, Terence L. Marsh and Cindy H. NakatsuVI. MycologyIntroduction to Mycology, George A. Marzluf, Editor42. Methods for Studying Terrestrial Fungal Ecology and Diversity, R. G. Thorn, J. Scott, and M. A. LaChance43. Physiology, Metabolism, and Molecular Aspects of Filamentous Fungi, George A. Marzluf44. Microbiological and Genetic Methods for Filamentous Fungi, Rowland H. Davis and A. John Clutterbuck45. Principles and Practice of DNA Microarray Technology, Krishnamurthy Natarajan, Matthew J. Marton, and Alan G. HinnebuschAPPENDICES:46. Laboratory Safety, W. Emmett Barkley and C. A. Mickelson47. Culture Preservation, Robert L. Gherna and C. A. Reddy


Bacteriology -- Laboratory manuals.

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