Globalization,Ethics and Islam/ Markham,Ian - 1ST ED. - USA: ASHGATE, 2005. - 218p.p.

PART I: Non-Violence and Peace
1 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and the Risale-i Niir
Siikran Vahide
2 The Ethics of Pardon and Peace: A Dialogue of Ideas between the
Thought of Pope John Paul II and the Risale-i Nur
Thomas Michel, S.J.
3 Renewal and Reformation in the Mid-Twentieth Century; Bediuzzaman
Said Nursi and Religion in the 1950s
John Obert Voll
PART II: Ethics and Dialogue
4 Secular or Religious Foundations for Ethics: A Case Study of
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Ian S. Markham
5 "Patience is Beautiful:" Qur'anic Ethics in Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur
Asma Afsaruddin
6 The Ethics of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Dialogue with the West
in Light of His Concept of 'Europe'
Patrice C. Brodeur
7 Ethics in the Confucian Text: Comparative Study with Risale-i Nur
Jemil Hee-Soo Lee
8 An Outline of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Views on Christianity and
the West
Siikran Vahide
PART III: Globalization
9 Is Globalization a Threat to Islam? Said Nursi's Response
Oliver teaman
10 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Historical Self-Consciousness
Mahan H. Mirza
11 Globalization in Light of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Risale-i Nur: An
Amer Al-Roubaie and Shaifiq Alvi
12 Globalization: Its Meaning, Scope and Impact in the Light of
'Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Damascus Sermon
Fred A. Reed
13 Virtue vs. Decadence: The Struggle of Civilizations within the
Global Village
Necati Aydin
14 Islam and Modernity
Diirnuis Hocaoglu
15 The Gesture of Said Nursi as a Challenge to Modernity
Wolf D. Ahmed Aries
16 Rethinking Globalization: Hardt and Negri in Conversation
with Said Nursi
Ian S. Markham


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