Islam and human rights: key issues in the debates/ edited by Saeed Abdullah - U.K: Edward Elgar, 2012. - V.1, xix,793 p

Volume 1: Key Issues in the Debates Acknowledgements Introduction Abdullah Saeed PART I DEFENSIVE AND EMBRACIVE APPROACHES TO INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS1. Ann Elizabeth Mayer (2007), `The Islam and Human Rights Nexus: Shifting Dimensions
'2. Mashood A. Baderin (2007), `Islam and the Realization of Human Rights in the Muslim World: A Reflection on Two Essential Approaches and Two Divergent Perspectives
'3. Recep Senturk (2005), `Sociology of Rights: "I Am Therefore I Have Rights": Human Rights in Islam between Universalistic and Communalistic Perspectives
'4. Mohammad H. Fadel (2007), `Public Reason as a Strategy for Principled Reconciliation: The Case of Islamic Law and International Human Rights Law'
PART II CRITIQUES OF HUMAN RIGHTS FROM A MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE5. Mohamed Berween (2003), `International Bill of Human Rights: An Islamic Critique'6. Robert Carle (2005), `Revealing and Concealing: Islamist Discourse on Human Rights
'PART III THE DEBATE ON HUMAN RIGHTS VS. HUMAN OBLIGATIONS OR DUTIES 7. Jason Morgan-Foster (2001), `Third Generation Rights: What Islamic Law Can Teach the International Human Rights Movement' PART IV HUMAN RIGHTS AND SECULARISM8. Karima Bennoune (2007), `Secularism and Human Rights: A Contextual Analysis of Headscarves, Religious Expression, and Women's Equality Under International Law'
PART V CHALLENGES TO UNIVERSALISM, UNIVERSALITY AND CULTURAL RELATIVISM 9. Catherine E. Polisi (2004), `Universal Rights and Cultural Relativism: Hinduism and Islam Deconstructed'10. Eva Brems (2004), `Reconciling Universality and Diversity in International Human Rights: A Theoretical and Methodological Framework and Its Application in the Context of Islam'11. Heiner Bielefeldt (2000), `"Western" Versus "Islamic" Human Rights Conceptions?: A Critique of Cultural Essentialism in the Discussion on Human Rights' 12. Abdullahi A. An-Na'im (1997), `The Contingent Universality of Human Rights: The Case of Freedom of Expression in African and Islamic Contexts
'PART VI ISLAMIC HUMAN RIGHTS SCHEMES13. Abul A'la Mawdudi (1977), `Islamic Political Framework', `Human Rights, the West and Islam', `Basic Human Rights', `Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State', and `Rights of Enemies at War'14. Tabet Koraytem (2001), `Arab Islamic Developments on Human Rights'15. Ebrahim Moosa (2000-01), `The Dilemma of Islamic Rights Schemes'16. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (1990), The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam 17. Islamic Council (1981), Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights
PART VII CASE STUDIES -HUMAN RIGHTS DISCOURSES IN PARTS OF THE MUSLIM WORLD18. Donna E. Artz (1990), `The Application of International Human Rights Law in Islamic States'A Yemen 19. Abdullahi A. An-Na'im (2001), `Human Rights in the Arab World: A Regional Perspective'B Saudi Arabia 20. Anon (2008), `Saudi Courts - Women's Rights - General Court of Qatif Sentences Gang-Rape Victim to Prison and Lashings for Violating "Illegal Mingling" Law'C Turkey 21. Jenny B. White (2001), `The Islamist Movement in Turkey and Human Rights'22. Yesim Arat (2001), `Women's Rights as Human Rights: The Turkish Case'23. Talip Kucukcan (2003), `State, Islam, and Religious Liberty in Modern Turkey: Reconfiguration of Religion in the Public Sphere'D Iran 24. Shahra Razavi (2006), `Islamic Politics, Human Rights and Women's Claims for Equality in Iran'25. Ziba Mir-Hosseini (2007), `How the Door of Ijtihad Was Opened and Closed: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Family Law Reforms in Iran and Morocco'26. Ann Elizabeth Mayer (1996), `Islamic Rights or Human Rights: An Iranian Dilemma'E Indonesia 27. Hasnil Basri Siregar (2008-9), `Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Islamic Shari'ah Criminal Law in Aceh, Indonesia'28. Lily Zakiyah Munir (2005), `Domestic Violence in Indonesia' 29. Nadirsyah Hosen (2007), `Human Rights Provisions in the Second Amendment to the Indonesian Constitutions from Shari`ah Perspective'F Malaysia 30. Nurjaanah Abdullah and Chew Li Hua (2007), `Legislating Faith in Malaysia' 31. Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil (2007), `Law of Apostasy and Freedom of Religion in Malaysia


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