Carlen, Pat

A criminological imagination: essays on justice, punishment, discourse/ Pat Carlen - Farnham: Ashgate, c2010. - xxxi, 370 p.

Part 1 Discourse/Ideology/Social Control: The staging magistrates' justice; Magistrates courts: a game-theoretic analysis; Remedial routines for the maintenance of control in magistrates' courts; 'Official discourse (with F. Burton); Controlling measures: the repackaging of commonsense opposition to women's imprisonment in England and Canada; Imaginar penalties and risk-crazed government.; Part 2 Women/Prisons/Punishment: Virginia, criminology and the anti-social control of women; Papa's discipline; Why study women's imprisonment? Or anyone else's; On rights and powers; Crime, inequality and sentencing; Underclass, crime and imprisonment: the continuing need for agendas of utopianism, abolitionism and socialism in criminology and criminal justice; Death and the triumph of governance: lessons from the Scottish women's prison; Imprisonment and the penal body politic: the cancer o disciplinary governance; Analyzing women's imprisonment: abolition and its enemies.; Part 3 Feminism/Criminology/Critique: Against the politics of sex discrimination; Criminal women and criminal justice: the limits to and potential of feminist and left realist perspectives; Criminology Ltd: the search for a paradigm; Critical criminology: in praise of an oxymoron and its enemies; Official discourse, comic relief and the play of governance

9780754629313 (hbk.)

364.601 / CAR/C