Fitzmaurice, Malgosia

Research handbook on international environmental law/ Malgosia Fitzmaurice, David M Ong and Panos Merkouris - Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010. - 703 p.

PART I: INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AS A SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 1. Actors and Law-making in International Environmental Law Mark A. Drumbl 2. International Framework for Environmental Decision-making Geir Ulfstein PART II: THEORIES AND CONCEPTS OF INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW3. Sustainable Development Duncan French 4. Environment and Development: Friends or Foes in the 21st Century?Paolo Galizzi and Alena Herklotz 5. Implementing Intergenerational Equity Edith Brown Weiss 6. An Introduction to Ethical Considerations in International Environmental Law Alexander Gillespie 7. The World Bank and Sustainable Development David Freestone 8. Common but Differentiated Responsibilities Philippe Cullet9. The Principles of Prevention and Precaution in International Law: Two Heads of the Same Coin?Nicolas de Sadeleer PART III: SUBSTANTIVE PRINCIPLES 10. The Precautionary Principle Minna Pyhala, Anne Christine Brusendorff and Hanna Paulomaki11. Environmental Impact Assessment Olufemi Elias 12. The Polluter-Pays Principle Priscilla Schwartz PART IV: HUMAN RIGHTS TO A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT 13. Human Rights and the Environment: Substantive Rights Dinah Shelton 14. Human Rights to a Clean Environment: Procedural Rights Jona Razzaque PART V: RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HARM 15. Responsibility for Environmental Damage Phoebe Okowa 16. International Liability for Damage to the Environment Louise Angelique de La Fayette 17. Corporate Liability for Environmental Harm Amanda Perry-Kessaris PART VI: DISPUTE SETTLEMENT AND COMPLIANCE 18. Settlement of International Environmental Law Disputes Natalie Klein19. Environmental Disputes in the WTO Joanna Gomula 20. Compliance Procedures and Mechanisms Gerhard Loibl 21. International Legal Efforts to Address Human-Induced Global Climate Change David M. Ong22. Filling The Holes: The Montreal Protocol's Non-Compliance Mechanism Feja Lesniewska PART VII: BIODIVERSITY 23. Environmental Protection and the Concept of Common Concern of Mankind Michael Bowman 24. International Environmental Law Governing Threats to Biological Diversity David M. Ong25. Fisheries and Marine Biodiversity Richard Barnes PART VIII: SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGIMES 26. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and Marine Environmental Protection David M. Ong 27. Environmental Protection in Armed Conflict Karen Hulme 28. The Relationship between the Law of International Watercourses and Sustainable Development Malgosia Fitzmaurice 29. International Chemicals and Waste Management Katharina Kummer Peiry 30. Drilling at the Poles: Environmental Protection in the Antarctic and the Arctic Karen N. ScottIndex


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