Intellectual property rights in a fair world trade system: proposals for reforms of TRIPS / edited by Annette Kur, Marianne Levin - Cheltenham: Edward elgar, 2011. - 614 p.

PART I: BACKGROUND1. The Pendulum Keeps Swinging - Present Discussions on and Around the TRIPS Agreement Marianne Levin 2. Spotlight on China: Piracy, Enforcement, and the Balance Dilemma in Intellectual Property Law Andrea Wechsler 3. The WTO Dispute Settlement System and the Evolution of International IP Law: An Institutional Perspective Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt 4. Assessing the Need for a General Public Interest Exception in the TRIPS Agreement Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan. Limitations and Exceptions Under the Three-Step-Test - How Much Room to Walk the Middle Ground?Annette Kur 6. TRIPS and Human Rights Frantzeska Papadopoulou 7. Fire and Water Make Steam - Redefining the Role of Competition Law in TRIPS Jens Schovsbo 8. Enough is Enough - The Notion of Binding Ceilings in International Intellectual Property Protection Annette Kur and Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan 9. Expropriation or Fair Game for All? The Gradual Dismantling of the IP Exclusivity Paradigm Annette Kur and Jens Schovsbo PART II: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO TRIP Proposed Amended Text (Synopsis)Explanatory Memorandum


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