Eriksen,Thomas Hylland

Small places, large issues: an introduction to social and cultural anthropology/ Thomas Hylland Eriksen - 3rd.ed. - London: Pluto press, 2010. - 364p.

1. Anthropology: Comparison and Context\
2. A Brief History of Anthropology
3. Fieldwork and Ethnography
4. The Social Person
5. Local Organisation
6. Person and Society
7. Kinship as Descent 8.Marriage and Relatedness
'9. Gender and Age
10. Caste and Class
11. Politics and Power
12. Exchange and Consumption
13. Production, Nature and Technology
14. Religion and Ritual
15. Language and Cognition
16. Complexity and Change
17. Ethnicity
18. Nationalism and Minorities
19. Anthropology and the Paradoxes of Globalisation Epilogue: Making Anthropology Matters Bibliography


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