Ethnic activism and civil society in south asia/ edited by David N.Gellner - Los Angeles: Asia-Link, EuropeAid Co-Operation Office, 2009. - viii, 367 p.

PART ONE: HINDU NATIONALISM AS A FORM OF ETHNIC ACTIVISM Young Men's Public Activities and Hindu Nationalism: Nav Yuvak Mandals and the Sangh Parivar in a Western Indian Town - Minoru MioActivists and Adivasis: Hindu Nationalist Militants in Chhattisgarh, Central India - Peggy Froerer
PART TWO: THE RISE OF TRANSNATIONAL CONNECTIONS Re-constructing Jaffna: Transnational Tamil Activism at Local Interfaces - Eva Gerharz Ethnic (P)reservations: Comparing Thangmi Ethnic Activism in Nepal and India - Sara B Shneiderman
PART THREE: DALIT MOVEMENTS Becoming a Dalit Panther: Caste-based Activism in South India - Hugo Gorringe Christian Dalit Activism in Contemporary Tamil Nadu - David Mosse Struggles against Domination: Forms of Nepali Dalit Activism - Laurie Ann Vasily
PART FOUR: JANAJATI ACTIVISM IN A MULTI-ETHNIC FORMER HINDU KINGDOM Intellectuals and Ethnic Activism: Writings on the Tharu Past - Gisele Krauskopf Tamang Activism, History, and Territorial Consciousness - Mukta S TamangRuling Social Groups-from Species to Nations: Reflections on Changing Conceptualizations of Caste and Ethnicity in Nepal - Marie Lecomte


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